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Jul 29, 2010
Combined with an iPhone/iPad for control (like the gestures, keyboard input, etc. in the "Remote" app)
there are some very cool Apps which could be ported/created to the new Apple TV.

I searched and didn't find a dedicated thread for the types of Apps users here would expect or want to
see in an Apple TV App Store, so here goes.

What kind of Apple TV apps would users here like to see in an Apple TV App Store (should Apple
decide to ever open one)?


Facetime (with attached USB camera or wirelessly via iPhone/iPod touch camera)

Weather (Weatherbug, Weather Channel, etc.)

Let's Golf (gestures on iPhone/iPad)
Racing (any...iPhone for steering, pedal controls)

Personally I avoided any type of web browsing app (newsreaders, Skygrid, etc.) as I've always
found websites hard to read on a TV screen). Apps that can take advantage of a larger screen yet
use the controls of an iPhone/Touch have the most benefit. Think of it as an 52 inch iPad display :)

Your thoughts?
Looking through my current apps on my iPad, the only things i can think that might be useful on a TV would be anything video related (i'd buy an Apple TV immediately if BBC iPlayer was available), and i guess some arcade-style games.

For anything else, they'd probably be better off just allowing AirPlay from any app, so you could make use of the bigger TV screen but the iPad (or iPhone) keeps control and the UI.
ESPN3 (like on the Xbox 360) (CBS)

I have a feeling that if (when) the app store is opened up for the apple tv, it will be content providers and not games, social networks, and other add-ons like facetime or eyetv.
Hulu App please (non + version)


Any similar app for Catch-up TV

I don't mind paying $5 maybe even $10 for the app, but I don't want to pay per episode for catch-up TV that I will never see again. I don't care if it has ads and is SD quality, I just want to be able to catch certain shows that I have failed to DVR. Or shows that got cut off because an NFL game went too long and TiVo didn't make the change, and therefor I missed the last 15 minutes.

I don't need HD archivable copies for my grandkids, just watch once and done so that my wife and I don't have to huddle around her iMac watching the show we missed. This would also be good for for shows that my friends tell me mid-season that I should have been watching. Sure, I can then set a season pass on my DVR, but what about the first 9 episodes?

Yes, my first 10 votes go to a TV catch up app.
Facetime would be very cool.
Audio apps -- Pandora, Slacker, NPR, ...
Video apps -- Hulu, Sling (fat chance)
Maybe web browser to look at video sites
ESPN3 (like on the Xbox 360) (CBS)

I have a feeling that if (when) the app store is opened up for the apple tv, it will be content providers and not games, social networks, and other add-ons like facetime or eyetv.

I concur. And the NFL needs to get on the ball (pun intended) and directly deliver an app like MLB did. They are way behind on this. I would pay a lot of money for that. Just not as much as Directv wants. I am a huge NFL fan but $350 is just too much.
SlingPlayer. And how about they get the price right this time. I don't buy their (Sling's) hardware to spend a fortune on actually being able to use it. Ugh!
I concur. And the NFL needs to get on the ball (pun intended) and directly deliver an app like MLB did. They are way behind on this. I would pay a lot of money for that. Just not as much as Directv wants. I am a huge NFL fan but $350 is just too much.

I'd pay $150 for an NFL app if it is a universal app and allows me to watch my team and another featured game every week.
Would really love to see apple announce this before google tv goes live with it next year. While I don't think there are a ton of apps i would want for the tv, there are a handful that would be great.

Wonder if apple will have you download the apps in itunes and stream them to the atv as you need them? That would eliminate the storage issue and allow you to have an unlimited number of apps. Streaming should be seamless given how small the apps typically are.

My Choices:
A few information related apps would be useful to check out, though to be honest until I can use atv to replace cable I am not likely to switch from cable to atv just to check the weather.
Traffic and other local alerts (though no app seems to get this right)

Some games lend themselves to the tv.
Trivial pursuit - with family or friends would be a lot of fun around the tv, using iphone as controller to select answers.

Pictionary - this is a bit more of a stretch, but having everyone sit around the tv and the current player draws on their iphone or ipad and everyone sees it on the tv, that could be very cool.

Don't need to repeat them as everyone else mentioned them, but would be great to have an app for all the various video options.

Would need the ability to customize the menus to put the apps most fequently used in the most accessible place.
I'd love to see a SiriusXM version on the AppleTV2. That would increase their online presence and for people who don't have AVR's with it built in or the ability to run an antenna.
I can see an app store coming in a future update. More money for Apple in the long run. I can also see buying and syncing returning if enough people moan... buy an airport extreme and compatible drive and have storage again.
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