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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 10, 2006
I have been away from the mac world for a while, but am now getting back in. I was planning on getting a MBP after the new chips come out. I don't want a MB because I plan on using Aperture quite a bit. I will also be using it as a Logic recording studio. Also, this first mac will probably be my only one for awhile. I liked the MBP over the iMac because of the portability and the thought that I could take it with me on business flights to work on my hobbies. I have the cash ready to go.

Now, with the news today, it is highly possible that we will see no more laptops carried onto flights. This would restrict one of my main reasons for going with the MBP. The 17" MBP I was looking at is in the same ball park as the new MP. Since the travel benefits of a laptop may be greatly reduced in teh future, I'm wondering if I would be better off getting the MP now. I would miss the portability, but the power and expandibility would be very nice.

Any thoughts? I am especially interested in hearing from Aperture and Logic users.
I'm not sure if they'll prohibit laptops seeing as how they do thorough checks on them regularly, but if you're never going to move it from place to place at home, get the mac pro. If you feel like you need to be able to work at someone elses house, library, class, etc., the MBP is your best bet.
I would certainly wait a few days, if not a month or so before making a decision based on the flight situation, as no-one knows what restrictions will stay.
I know this is not what you asked... but for reference, I have a low end MB (1.83) and it runs aperture very smoothly, in fact I believe aperture is not very gpu heavy.
As for logic, I'm currently mixing a demo for a friend (I recorded it on the MB too) and THIS THING FLIES (or flys??). it's amazing, the amount of tracks, plugins and eqs I can have at the same time with NO slowdown. Even the stock HD is holding up (which would be the first thing I'd replace).

But yeah, 2 gigs of RAM are essential.
I would get the MBP, the flight restriction will only be for a short period of time, untill they feel that everything is back to normal, and that the threats have stopped (for now) So in the long run, the MBP will be able to go on flights with you.

I would say they will allow Laptops on planes and such withen a few weeks.
DJMastaWes said:
I would get the MBP, the flight restriction will only be for a short period of time, untill they feel that everything is back to normal, and that the threats have stopped (for now) So in the long run, the MBP will be able to go on flights with you.

I would say they will allow Laptops on planes and such withen a few weeks.

I wish I could share your optomism, but the fact that I still have to take my shoes off when going through security makes me think that we are in for a whole new era in airline travel. I hope I'm wrong.
maxi said:
I know this is not what you asked... but for reference, I have a low end MB (1.83) and it runs aperture very smoothly, in fact I believe aperture is not very gpu heavy.

Maxi, what kind of files do you work with in Aperture? I am planning on working with 8MP raw files, and would like the white balance/brightness/contrast transformations to occur in as close to real time as I can get. Have you done this?

I am not as concerned about Logic as the only limitation there would be the smaller screen, which can also be an asset at times.
They scan all laptops individually as it is... I don't see why they would restrict the use of them completely. The liquids just created a new threat that was overlooked in the past. Once a system is devised for scanning liquids things should get somewhat back to normal. I mean, sure you have to take off your shoes before boarding but you still get to take them with you. You already have to take out our laptop so I don't see things being much different there.
You won't run into flight restriction problems until terrorists start trying to detonate bombs with notebook computers.
the 17" MBP is almost too big to use on an airplane. It might fit on your tray table (barely) but it will take up all the room and run you the risk of really irritating your seatmate- the 13.3" macbook is much more suited to this type of space-at-a-premium environment.
Chrispy said:
They scan all laptops individually as it is... I don't see why they would restrict the use of them completely. The liquids just created a new threat that was overlooked in the past. Once a system is devised for scanning liquids things should get somewhat back to normal. I mean, sure you have to take off your shoes before boarding but you still get to take them with you. You already have to take out our laptop so I don't see things being much different there.

It's not the laptop per se, but anything with a battery. This latest threat of combining the liquids with a battery for detonation will likely be addressed. As a chemist, I'm not sure they will really every be able to X-ray the difference between some of the explossive precursors and water, creams, gels and everything else people like to carry on. Only time will tell.
DJMastaWes said:
Well, right now you're not allowed Notebooks and iPods and stuff...

Last I heard, that was only flights leaving from Britain today. US flights are still allowing these things, just no liquids.

Wait a few days for this all to sort itself out before making a decision.
As laptops are considered pretty essential for a large percentage of business people travelling, I'm sure that they will accommodate them in future security plans somehow. Even if it means they have to go into the hold.
maxi said:
I know this is not what you asked... but for reference, I have a low end MB (1.83) and it runs aperture very smoothly, in fact I believe aperture is not very gpu heavy.

I didn't think aperture would run on a MB only on MBP, i was holding of getting one till it had a real GPU so i could use aperture.
the MBP. if they are prohibiting laptops now, it won't last forever then you'll kick yourself for not getting the one you wanted.
feelthefire said:
the 17" MBP is almost too big to use on an airplane. It might fit on your tray table (barely) but it will take up all the room and run you the risk of really irritating your seatmate- the 13.3" macbook is much more suited to this type of space-at-a-premium environment.

I just flew coach cross-country on an American 757, and had no problems using my 17" PB during the flight. Granted, it takes up the entire tray-table space, but it was perfect for watching DVDs (V for Vendetta) :cool:
They always run a test on laptops when you go through security, I hope they won´t restrict them...

It comes down to portability vs performance, I´m going with the laptop once Merom comes out.
Wait and see,

I would expect to see a change to rules on what is or is not permitted, but until you see something new in writing from TSA I would hold out,

Just remember, most if not all of the flight restriction that were imposed continue, there has been a bit of loosening on Nail clippers and other short "knives" but shoe checks, plastic knives and no more razors are all still here.

If we do see a ban on laptops there are going to be a lot of very Pi$$ed business travellers, and I would expect an explosion in the use of Private charter jets to get round it.
(ok maybe explosion was not a good word to use, hope the NSA aren't trolling all this :)
Reep said:
It's not the laptop per se, but anything with a battery. This latest threat of combining the liquids with a battery for detonation will likely be addressed. As a chemist, I'm not sure they will really every be able to X-ray the difference between some of the explossive precursors and water, creams, gels and everything else people like to carry on. Only time will tell.

They have this kind of technology implemented in the scanners that scan check-in baggage, from what I hear (on the news). It'd probably be expensive to make it smaller and to implement it in all airports for screening carry-ons, but it can be done. But for every single kind of explosive, probably not.
in light of the recent events, keeping my 12" Powerbook seems like it's going to pay off. Light, easy to carry on (if they allow it) and if I have to put it in a suitcase, it takes up very little room. Just ordered the strongest sleeve I could find to protect it inside the suitcase. Good to go.
Unspeaked said:
I think it's only a matter of time before all carry-on baggage is restricted.


Don't say that! :eek:

I'm hoping if they do restrict lotions and things - it will only be full-sized bottles. We could still be able to take those little tiny ones they sell for $.99 in the stores onboard? (someone couldn't really blow stuff up with those little ones.. could he?) Some of us need to like, wash our hair and brush our teeth.
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