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my whole thing is i wouldn't let anyone "check" my 2000$ dollar laptop.

thats like leaving a twelve year old borrow a car, just wholly unreliable.


by "check" - i mean checked baggage, not scan it
what CAN you bring on an airplane anymore?! my dad's about to go on another business trip and we were talking about what he should bring. he cant bring his ipod, he cant bring his laptop -- nothing!
i could just be reading this wrong and from the point of Bush's comments that really pissed alot of people here in the uk off. The claim that what happened here in the UK yesterday was 'An attack on America'.

Always is even if its on the opposite side of the planet! Spose the London bombings were an attack on america too :rolleyes:

If your american don't worry as far as i was aware you lot can still take laptops etc on your internal flights.

To the OP, MBP are not good on flights anyway as the seat power supplies don't support the higher wattage. Internal to the USA that doesn't matter really....just a consideration
Well, they've already started restricing books and magazines in the UK, so what's that tell you...?

And remember, you can still bring all that liquid stuff, it just need to go into the checked baggage; you didn't plan on washing your hair on the plane, did you?


(Personally, I think this whole idea is dumb, as 90% of the cargo on a plane is commercial and goes unchecked anyway, plus there's all this concern for planes when trains - which can hold just as many people, if not more - go totally unchecked... but hey, that's life!)

extraextra said:
Don't say that! :eek:

I'm hoping if they do restrict lotions and things - it will only be full-sized bottles. We could still be able to take those little tiny ones they sell for $.99 in the stores onboard? (someone couldn't really blow stuff up with those little ones.. could he?) Some of us need to like, wash our hair and brush our teeth.
eenu said:
i could just be reading this wrong and from the point of Bush's comments that really pissed alot of people here in the uk off. The claim that what happened here in the UK yesterday was 'An attack on America'.

I don't know what quote you're referring to, but it could have had something to do with the fact that all the targeted flights were US bound; you didn't see anyone targeting a flight heading to, say, Beijing.

Plus, the British authorities have been working very closely with the US on this, leaning even more credence to the "America was the target" theory.
Cameront9 said:
Last I heard, that was only flights leaving from Britain today. US flights are still allowing these things, just no liquids.

Wait a few days for this all to sort itself out before making a decision.
I can say with enough confidence that domestic travel with laptops and cameras are ok. According to my airline I can take my backpack with camera, ipod, phone, and laptop with no trouble. They will simply require me to turn everything on and off and hit a few buttons. I am going to New York from So. Cal in less than a week so I've been all over the phone making sure everything is going to be ok.
eenu said:
i could just be reading this wrong and from the point of Bush's comments that really pissed alot of people here in the uk off. The claim that what happened here in the UK yesterday was 'An attack on America'.

Always is even if its on the opposite side of the planet! Spose the London bombings were an attack on america too :rolleyes:

If your american don't worry as far as i was aware you lot can still take laptops etc on your internal flights.

To the OP, MBP are not good on flights anyway as the seat power supplies don't support the higher wattage. Internal to the USA that doesn't matter really....just a consideration

Blowing up passenger liners or even attempting to blow up passenger airliners over America IS an attack on America. Perhaps it would have been better if Bush had said an Attack on America and her allies. :rolleyes:

As far as I know, this is only temporary. On the other hand, I'm not flying any time soon, so...
doesn't really matter where the planes were detonated its still not an attack on america.....not explicitly.

If the plot was concieved and the planes set off from america and were detonated above america and all passengers were american then fair play. I still don't see 9/11 as an attack on america in full. It was a massive attack on the US but there were people from all over the world in those towers.....just seems to me a spin to the american people to rally the population for more backup on the 'war' on terror.

Anyway lets sweep this one under the carpet as we could debate all day on the matter
KingYaba said:
I'm having doubs these flight restrictions will stay in place prohibiting you from brining a laptop on for ever.

I think it's pretty absurd. Airports seem to lax up all the time after things such as this. It's nothing new. A few weeks later and the stuff will be laxed up a bit.
Yea, I don't think there is any way they are going to prohibit laptops. Every traveling business person in the modern world uses one. If they prohibit them, the world will go insane.
CompUser said:
Yea, I don't think there is any way they are going to prohibit laptops. Every traveling business person in the modern world uses one. If they prohibit them, the world will go insane.

With people trying to blow up commercial planes, I think the world might have already gone insane...
I honestly don't care if they officials prohibit us from carrying lotions, liquids, etc on planes. I get surprised when people complain about not having enough lotion for a 6 hour flight within the united states.. geez, I travel from the US to India via London or Zurich.. total travel time - 28 hours. I'm not complaining.

If you need it that bad, then buy a little bottle at a transit point, use it.. and throw it away. It amuses me when people say "I had to throw lotion worth $15 away".. seems like they'd rather take the risk of being blown up mid-air.:rolleyes:

*But* I do hope they let me take my MB and my Nikon SLR camera.. those are the two things that i wouldn't trust having checked into my baggage. They're my babies.. so they travel with me :D

Anyone know if we can take a camera in the carry on?
Banning laptops, cell phones, etc. from flights would kibosh business travel. Who do you think pays full fare prices? Who buys refundable tickets? Who buys tickets in *business* class? The airlines would all tank if they had to disallow these items.
Unspeaked said:
I think it's only a matter of time before all carry-on baggage is restricted.


Once they restrict people too, we'll finally be completely safe from all airline terrorist threats
i was just flying on the day that all of this was happening, and my dad flew today. We had no issues with our electronics, but that was from mexico to the US and then a domestic flight in the US, Personaly I dont think they could ban all electronics on every flight. If they did that they would have to like provide insurance on your items or somthing. they would also have to allow you to check more bags which I dont think they would do..anyways if they did ban all electronics for any length of time people would probobly cause an uproar especialy buisness people.
The only way to 100% safeguard airtravel is to do all three of the following: (i) strip all passengers naked before boarding; (ii) strap them to the seats on all extremities; (iii) knock them out cold for the duration of the flight. I would not be surprized if people will be flying like that in a couple of years. When commercial air travel had begun, no passenger screening took place and people even used silverware on board:eek: . Welcome to the 21st century... They'd better come up with teleportation soon, to obviate the need for air travel altogether:rolleyes:
ZoomZoomZoom said:
Once they restrict people too, we'll finally be completely safe from all airline terrorist threats

That's just silly! People don't need to be banned from flying. We just need to have them disrobe, go through a full MRI and body cavity search, hand them their official airline gown, and send them on their merry way to the gate...

That'll solve all our problems...

Easy as pie!
They are not banning electronics. They are simply requireing you to dump liquids and gels before you get on the plane. This wont last forever, just till this week finishes up. Your laptops are fine you can bring them on the plane. You may have to turn it ona nd prove to the security guard that it's in working order and not a hollowed out MacBook Pro with TNT in there :rolleyes: But that's about it. Enjoy your flight with your dvd or game or whatever.

(I hear Luftansa has WiFi on their trans-atlantic flights - so you can surf the web :) )
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