You don’t need the Digits app if you have dual SIM set up.
Thanks, that's what I would have thought too
But, in setting up a second line to use dual-sim, the phone support at TMobile was hopeless. Went through 4 different phone agents with no help, so I gave in and went to a TMobile store. The representative at the TMobile store set me up and activated the 2nd line (no small task for this person, apparently), so that was good. But this store agent told me that I must have DIGITS as well.
Made no sense to me, but I thought the reason might have something to do with how you actually USE the two sims (phone numbers), e.g., how to switch between the two lines on an outbound call, so I let him sell me on it. (I definitely didn't want to get back online, or come back to the store later).
So, I'm in the process of getting DIGITS remove (and the $10 charges, as well)