MisterMe said:
I have never seen a non-Mac format from Microsoft that had more that three characters in the extension. What makes you think that "WMV3" is a Microsoft format?
I assume that's not the file extension, that's the fourcc (format code) for the video format of the file. Same as "divx", "3ivx", "iv50" and many others.
Here's a thought; is it an .avi file, rather than a .wmv file? That's likely, since VLC said it has a fourcc (which I don't remember WMV files having). If so, then it's not exactly what you'd call valid; so far as I know WMV files are a different container format than AVI, and the WMV video codecs were never intended to be used in AVI containers.
Meaning, of course, that PC programs used to dealing with funky, nonstandard, semi-broken media formats created by whatever monkeys seem to do so much video encoding on Windows, can probably read the file and figure out what to do with the video stream. But, programs that expect something a bit more standard don't know what to do with it.
If it is labeled .avi, there's at least a chance it could just be mis-labled, causing the WiMP not to recognize it; I've seen this happen with other formats, where PC users re-name them with an .avi just so they'll open with some favorite program when they double click (.dat files often get mis-named .mpg for the same reason). Change it to .wmv and see if the Media Player can handle it.
If not, maybe it really is an AVI, and your best bet is to try and extract the video stream for playing with something that recognizes it, though I can't tell you how to do that.