I am wondering whether its worth putting anymore money into my MP 1,1 or selling it and buying a slightly newer model, at least a 2008 sing or dual processor with 64bit EFI. As it is, I spent close to retail on a used AMD 5770 video card for this machine. It currently has 9GB of RAM, but I find with Aperture 3.0, running a VM in parallels, and having all the other apps open that I do, it might be better to get a newer machine, then upgrade this one. I know there are many who advocate upgrading the processors, putting in SSD's, but for my there are certain limitations of this machine you cannot upgrade, so why invest anymore in it. The bus speed, the PCI limit and the EFI 32bit are things that cannot be upgraded and will always be bottlenecks (EFI excluded). For now the machine is meeting my needs but im slowly getting to the point where I want better performance. I am also leery of just how much more performance I will get from a processor upgrade.