First of all, thanks to everyone who has already bought the game and especially to ones that have given valuable feedback! It's been a good ride so far! We're a bit dumbfounded how iLounge gave it a full "A" rating and how positive the overall response has been!
Anyway, the first Wooden Labyrinth 3D update has been completed. We've listened to your feedback, and decided to completely ignore it! Heheh, kidding. Anyway, here's a small list of stuff that's going to show up shortly on the App Store!
- Fine-tuned, more realistic, 3D-effect. (way less head-ache inducing)
- More sensitive jumping. Needs only a slight "nudge" or a finger tap.
- 50 new, high-quality levels. These are really some of the best so far.
- Jump bug fixed. If you land in a hole or bounce "on a hole", you sink. No more bunny hopping through levels.
- Small visual fixes here and there.
- Some minor level design issues corrected (getting stuck in holes..)
- Some background work for the looming level editor...
Now that this is done, the next step is the level editor. As We've told before, this will be an online editor built on flash. You get a code, make the levels, and you download the level pack on device with the code. You may then share the pack with others and continue to make changes to it with a password system. It's going to be cool.
First of all, thanks to everyone who has already bought the game and especially to ones that have given valuable feedback! It's been a good ride so far! We're a bit dumbfounded how iLounge gave it a full "A" rating and how positive the overall response has been!
Anyway, the first Wooden Labyrinth 3D update has been completed. We've listened to your feedback, and decided to completely ignore it! Heheh, kidding. Anyway, here's a small list of stuff that's going to show up shortly on the App Store!
- Fine-tuned, more realistic, 3D-effect. (way less head-ache inducing)
- More sensitive jumping. Needs only a slight "nudge" or a finger tap.
- 50 new, high-quality levels. These are really some of the best so far.
- Jump bug fixed. If you land in a hole or bounce "on a hole", you sink. No more bunny hopping through levels.
- Small visual fixes here and there.
- Some minor level design issues corrected (getting stuck in holes..)
- Some background work for the looming level editor...
Now that this is done, the next step is the level editor. As We've told before, this will be an online editor built on flash. You get a code, make the levels, and you download the level pack on device with the code. You may then share the pack with others and continue to make changes to it with a password system. It's going to be cool.