Hi, I just purchased a Duo Powerbook 230 (great machine BTW, I'm happy) with OS 7.5.5. in a couple of minutes (I'm doing the full install)
I read that Word 5.1a should run on it.
Does anyone know where I can find Word 5.1 ?
Or is there any word processing software (freeware/shareware)
that I should consider?
Remember, the Duo 230 is a 68030 with 16MB ram and 80MB HD
Any links would be appreciated (you may also reply off thread)
I read that Word 5.1a should run on it.
Does anyone know where I can find Word 5.1 ?
Or is there any word processing software (freeware/shareware)
that I should consider?
Remember, the Duo 230 is a 68030 with 16MB ram and 80MB HD
Any links would be appreciated (you may also reply off thread)