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macrumors G5
Original poster
Mar 20, 2003
Bay Area
couldn't find a thread on this particular problem...

Word docs won't minimize with apple + M. Every other application does it just fine, and word used to until a few days ago. Permissions repair and restart didn't fix it.

It sounds like a tiny issue, but since I often have 4+ word docs open at once on a 12" ibook, it gets quite frustrating. Thoughts?
grapes911 said:
Can you minimize it with the yellow button? Or is it grayed out?

the yellow button works. I found an old thread about the yellow button being greyed out, but that's not my problem. It's just apple + M that doesn't work. Weird, eh?

thanks for the link, neocell, I'll definitely check it out. :)
I think Microsoft apps for Mac don't have as much functionality as other apps. One example is that M$ Office doesn't support the integrated dictionary (ctrl+comm+d). It may be that this is another one of those things they didn't include in the app.
It works for me and it used to work for you, so it is not a deficiency in Word. If you haven't tried this already, delete the preference file. If that doesn't work, try deleting the preference file and reinstalling the program.

Best wishes
thanks, emptycup, I had considered that. But my fear is that I'll lose lots of other important settings, such as my autocorrect options. Or are those settings stored in a different file?
QCassidy352 said:
thanks, emptycup, I had considered that. But my fear is that I'll lose lots of other important settings, such as my autocorrect options. Or are those settings stored in a different file?

I don't think it contains those things, but I'm not sure. Close Word, spotlight the prefs file, move it to the desktop, NOTING THE ORIGINAL LOCATION, and then run Word. If it solves your problem, and doesn't ruin too many prefs, delete the copy of the prefs file on the desktop. If it messes everything up, close Word, and copy the prefs file on the desktop back over the version in the original location.
I hate it when programs don't respond to the usual keyboard shortcuts! Especially when it's not because they have that shortcut mapped to a different function. Photoshop is the worst! I should be able to use cmnd-h to hide the program, but instead it does nothing. I always try it first because I'm so used to being able to do that, and it least to frustration every time.

To the application developers: learn to have consistency. Thank you.
baby duck monge said:
To the application developers: learn to have consistency. Thank you.

Rant understood, but MS Word *IS* supposed to respond to this particular shortcut. It does on my computer. ;)

I'm totally with you on the Photoshop thing, though. :(
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