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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 25, 2009
(I meant Letters are as big as a quarter.)
A friend of mine was given a imac for free.
(i asked what model - it just says imac and is a big monitor)
She called me and said when displaying web pages
the text is way too huge. Not being familar with the imac
I told her I would ask the helpfull people here for some
advice as what to do.
Also.. does anyone know if the web browser supports flash?
Thank for any help you might provide.

Yes, firstly go to system preferences (apple in the top left), then displays and set the resolution as high as possible. That might return it to normal if the resolution was set insanely low.
Also check Universal Access from System Preferences, make sure Zoom isn't enabled.

ok.. i went over to her house. And In fact it does connect
to the internet.. and will display like it should..
also google.. (in the right size text) However.. takes up the whole screen./
Any other help?
ok.. i went over to her house. And In fact it does connect
to the internet.. and will display like it should..
also google.. (in the right size text) However.. takes up the whole screen./
Any other help?

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