Thanks, i've already used team viewer and it is a solution, but my real problem i guess is what would be the most convenient workstation to be working in!
To work with, the largest and best quality monitor you can get, preferably at least has large and as hi rez as the host machine at home.
If you need to work from a "travel machine", that generally means a notebook computer. If your "freelance stuff" is graphics orientated then the best notebooks to use will be Windows notebooks or "antique" MacBooks. You can get larger displays on Windows notebooks than you can on the "I must be thin and light" Apple offerings available today.
I've run my office Macs (PM w/ Cinema Display and iMac 27" Retina) remotely using my Dell Venue 8 Pro (8" Windows 10 tablet with BT keyboard and mouse) using TeamViewer. It's a pain on the small screen, but it does work. Most of my remote work was done from Windows desktop machines with 20-24" displays where the screen display scaling is minimal or nonexistent. Accessing email and doing file transfers on the Macs remotely from the 8" tablet was very functional. Using Photoshop and Illustrator was doable for brief periods and simple jobs, but any extensive Ps and Ai work really needs to be done from a larger display. It would be challenging even on a 13-15" notebook display.