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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jan 22, 2009
Houston, TX
June 6, 2019 is the 75th anniversary of the biggest military operation in the history of the world.

D-Day was years in planning, the British even staged the invasion of Dieppe to test invasion equipment and Nazi defenses for (then) hoped for bigger invasion.


In a little over a week, the D-Day Squadron will amass the largest civilian armada of aircraft and paratroopers to reenact this event.
The web site for the even is


The lead aircraft of this reenactment is the actual aircraft that lead the formation of over 1000 transports and hundreds of gliders. She is "That's All ~~~ Brother", so named because the promise she was the one who would lead to end of the Nazi menace. Miraculously found 3 years ago and completely restored (and I personally helped in some research and contributed in restoration funding). Here is a recent event she participated in.


The hope is to have at least 20 C-47/DC-3's (and maybe a Li-2) participate in dropping over 150 paratroopers skydivers in period uniforms over one of the actual drop zones used in 1944.

Spectators will include dozens of honorary guests, men who participated in "the longest day".
Unfortunately this is expected to the last major honor, as the ranks of "the greatest generation" fade to the history books.

This is a smaller group at Oshkosh

Facebook page here
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 21, 2015
I hope people, whatever their views of the current politicians (from all sides) are respectful. I hope we don’t see demonstrations at these events (peaceful and respectful anti-war representatives- conscientious excepted).

These events are to remember the people who died during WW2. Not a time to lambast the current crop of politicians. There are plenty of other opportunities for that.

Unfortunately it was politicians that caused the war in the first place. Forcing ordinary men and women to do things they probably would rather have not.
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