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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 14, 2007
OK, its not really that bad, after all it isn't as if SMB is core to the workings of my iPhone. I'm on a gen 1 iphone, with 1,2-2 firmwear. Downloaded remote, SMB and Band yesterday. All working fine.

This morning (I'm in the UK) Everything is working fine EXCEPT for SMB which crashes on start-up and goes back to the homescreen. Anyone else having difficulty.
I did at first, then I synced with iTunes and now it all works.

Love the game but it's really hard even at the easiest level, I think :)

(Also, I think it's funny how SMB would be SummerBoard when we just had Installer, now everyone knows that SMB is SuperMonkey Ball :D)
I am having the same issue, I have been having it ever since the 2.01 update, and I had been waiting for the 2.02 update hoping it would fix it, which it did not, and then an update for super monkey ball came out today which I also hoped would fix the crashing but alas it did nothing as well, anyone know how to fix this?
Super Crash Ball

I too haven't been able to start the application after the 2.01 update. What really is frustrating is the lack of support for instances like this. I've been searching for any information on this but haven't been able to find any, let alone anybody else who was experiencing it. I've deleted it and redownloaded many times now to no avail. Who do are we supposed to report it to? iTunes? Sega? I want my SMB back, anyone else having problems?
BTW I fixed this problem, I am not completely sure why it happened but something to do with language settings screws it up (And a few other applications). Just go into settings>General>International and change the language from english to something else, and then after that applies change it back. SMB will work after that.
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