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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 16, 2009
Plymouth, UK
I'm going to be buying the new base model Mac Mini. I'm wondering, is it worth upgrading it an extra gig?

I don't run any big programs, normally just Adium, Safari, Mail and iTunes.

Thank you,
Upgrade the ram yourself. $50 for 4GB is cheap, and you'll definitely notice an improvement.

If you'd feel more comfortable having Apple take care of things, then 2GB is still a noticable jump from 1GB. (says the guy typing on a 512mb pentium 4 windblows machine ;) )
Upgrade the ram yourself. $50 for 4GB is cheap, and you'll definitely notice an improvement.

If you'd feel more comfortable having Apple take care of things, then 2GB is still a noticable jump from 1GB. (says the guy typing on a 512mb pentium 4 windblows machine ;) )

In all honesty, I'm too scared to do it myself. :p
If you are really that nervous about opening the machine up yourself and upgrading the ram, then don't. I just got my new basic Mini in the mail today and I am extremely impressed with how fast and responsive it is with only 1gb of RAM. I was going to order myself a 1gb or 2gb stick for super cheap and upgrade it this week, but I might wait a little while. For just general purpose computing (internet browsing, mail, chatting, google earth, watching movies) the 1gb or RAM is very responsive. Mind you, the last mac I owned was a dual 1ghz G4 w/ 512mb, running Tiger. But the mini is faster than any PC I've owned, including my newish HP DV2715nr laptop.
I think $50 for an extra gig is an OK deal considering the effort and risk of DIY. I would be tempted to pay $200 more for 4 gigs and 320 gigs.

I have a 1.83 C2D that I upgraded to 2 gigs and 160 gigs just tonight. It was somewhat difficult (mainly nerve racking), and I'm good with mechanical things.

I probably would have maxed it out but I had the ram and hdd left from upgrading my Macbook. I wish I would have just got the top of line in 2007 when I bought it. BTW, the increase to 2 gigs made a lot of difference.
BTW, the increase to 2 gigs made a lot of difference.

That's what I've heard. I'm excited about upgrading it! A little nervous too... But pretty confident that I can do it without messing anything up. :cool: BTW, the OWC videos on how to upgrade the RAM and HDD on the new 2009 Minis are great!
I was going to order myself a 1gb or 2gb stick for super cheap and upgrade it this week, but I might wait a little while.

It's pretty sweet that the new mini comes with 1 X 1gb ram stick now. Mine came with 2 X 512. My MB came with 2 X 512 also. I upped the MB to 2 X 1 for a while (got that kit cheap when a MR member pulled it from a MBP). Then when the 4 gb kit got cheap I upped the MB and had the 2 gb kit available for my mini.

Look at the MR ram guide ("guide" tab at top of this page). You may want to stick with matched pair ram and go with 4 gb while you're in there. Mine does not support 4 gb.
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