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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 19, 2006
Hey guys. I jailbroke my 1.1.4 2G iphone back when I had it. The benefits were 3rd party apps and SSH. I had my tv streaming to ORB and it was pretty awesome!

But now that I have a 3G with the App store, is it really worth it. Neither ORB nor Sling have clients even for jailbreaks and most of the apps I can get via iTunes? I could use SSH, but that's the only benefit I see. I was fortunate enough to get NetShare too!

Can you convince me to Jailbreak? I just want to know if it is worth it! Thanks!
Honestly, why would you ask the public a questions that totally resides on personal preferences? To some yes it is worth it, to others no... What more can one say?
dude, why would we convince you? - it's strictly at your own risk. Check out the possible benefits, then check out the possiblle risks. It's your phone.
benefits? as you mentioned, ssh access for one. A new customized theme and customizations in other aspects as well (like the battery charging graphic, and signal bars)
Thanks Calvy. To everyone else, why be so difficult. I just wanted to know why you justified jailbreaking 2.0.1. It seems that a lot of people are having issues and I just wanted to know why you thought it was worth it.

I know its a personal opinion.....and that's why I was asking what your guys thought...

Right now the cons outweigh the pros for why did the pros outweigh the cons for those who upgraded?

Thanks to everyone who might give a helpful answer!:)
after all winpwn jailbreaking to firmware 2.0.1 steps are done, can I just restore iphone from my previous sync (2.0 firmware) backup?
or do I need to setup this iphone as new phone?

after all winpwn jailbreaking to firmware 2.0.1 steps are done, can I just restore iphone from my previous sync (2.0 firmware) backup?
or do I need to setup this iphone as new phone?


you can restore, mine took an hour for soem reason
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