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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 29, 2006
Laguna Niguel, CA
So here is my story.

I just got hired at apple, and as such, I am entitled to a bit of a discount on a computer purchase.

This has tempted me because I am thinking about now actually selling my powerbook that i said i wasn't going to sell. Due to the fact that I would now be able to get a 15" MBP @ 2.16Ghz for a very tempting price.

Mind you, my powerbook is flawless. it has no issues at all. Do you think it'd be worth it now considering my most used app is photoshop.

I'm kind of leaning towards it for the sake of becoming more knowledgeable about the product since i will be selling them now ;)

gah.. this is a tuffy. help save my sanity.
Buy buy buy! But its always a hard question...if your happy with your powerbook I stay stick with it. But theres always the lure of a shiny new MBP :D
especially now that i will be around them every day. ( btw i got the play with the mac pro today. suddenly my G5 feels slow.... )

im tempted because of the discounts. but im not exactly in a hurry to get rid of my powerbook. it easily does everything i need it for right now. anything heavy duty gets done on the G5.
Obsidian6 said:
especially now that i will be around them every day. ( btw i got the play with the mac pro today. suddenly my G5 feels slow.... )

im tempted because of the discounts. but im not exactly in a hurry to get rid of my powerbook. it easily does everything i need it for right now. anything heavy duty gets done on the G5.

Then I say wait and have a bit more of a fiddle with the MBP. But if the lure gets too much then I say buy it :D I hope you have more patience than me! My dream is to work in an Apple shop (*reminds self to drop resume in*)
viccles said:
Then I say wait and have a bit more of a fiddle with the MBP. But if the lure gets too much then I say buy it :D I hope you have more patience than me! My dream is to work in an Apple shop (*reminds self to drop resume in*)

go on

i applied. was interviewed. and hired. in about a month's time. where as the other applicants applied in like february lol. guess they liked me.
Congratulations. What kind of job did you get with Apple and what is your discount? Thanks!
i'm doing retail work in store, I have a title of "Mac Specialist" i can purchase one computer per year at my discounted rate. ( i just started )

i'm sending you a PM.
If you're completely satisfied with your current laptop, why spend money getting a new one, go through the trouble of selling the old one, and risk maybe having a less-than-flawless MBP? I'm selling my 12'' PB to get a MBP, but if it weren't for the fact that I really need to dual boot, I'd be pretty happy with my current unit for another couple years.

Besides, you might as well hold onto the PB until they get out a UB for photoshop, and just more UBs overall. Then, when you upgrade, you'll be able to get a faster, more refined, and possibly cheaper MBP, maybe late enough to have Leopard, and be able to enjoy more UBs than you would right now.
this is very true. and one of the main considerations here.

i was mostly just speculating. i dont think i could get rid of my PB yet ;)
Thanks for the PM Obsidian6. I think that you should sell your powerbook now while you can get a $1300 price and buy merom when it gets here. In your position people will ask about windows, parrallels, bootcamp, and many other intel questions so you have a great opportunity to upgrade. If you're too attached to your powerbook, keep it. I regret selling me 12 inch powerbook, but I know it's for the best. GOOD LUCK!
Just a little offtopic but I saw Powerbooks being sold incredibly cheap at this computer shop here just over 1k with heaps of stuff. Had a bit of a play they were pretty good
Obsidian6 said:
yeah great way to kill my resale. lol

$1kAU = $760US :(

That is INCREDIBLY cheap for a laptop over here a decent one that is. Relatively decent ones start at $1700 here cheapest MB is 1700 I believe. Electronics are incredibly expensive here!
ricgnzlzcr said:
Thanks for the PM Obsidian6. I think that you should sell your powerbook now while you can get a $1300 price
boy, if you got an offer of $1300 i would jump on it! unless they're loaded with extras, i haven't seen them selling for anywhere near that.
i had an offer for $1300 about 3-4 weeks ago. i almost bit. but i passed it up on a whim.

i dont regret it.

my powerbook meets my needs right now. ( this job is going to ruin me. lol )
viccles said:
That is INCREDIBLY cheap for a laptop over here a decent one that is. Relatively decent ones start at $1700 here cheapest MB is 1700 I believe. Electronics are incredibly expensive here!

no kidding! when i was in new zealand this past april i couldnt believe the price of electronics.

that was such a beautiful area though. i would love to come visit australia as well!
Obsidian6 said:
no kidding! when i was in new zealand this past april i couldnt believe the price of electronics.

that was such a beautiful area though. i would love to come visit australia as well!

How I wish I lived in the US. Land of the cheap Mac Pro ;)
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