Hi. I'm a college student that uses my ibook on campus daily for class as well as a mobile recording studio. I've got a bit of a dilemma right now. My imac G5/ibook G4 combo is suiting me pretty well. Occassionally when doing music work with the laptop (usually in Logic Pro 7) I run into some hiccups or pokey performance, but seeing as to how it was a cheap, convenient way to do location recording and I had an imac at home with more juice, I was happy with what I had. Now, with the Macbooks, I'm starting to wonder if it mght make more sense for me to sell off my computers and get the middle white model. I would expect to break even this way. My main concern is how a 2.0 ghz core duo compares to a single 2.0 ghz G5 (in my imac). If the core duo can meet or exceed the G5, then why the heck would I need 2 computers? Plus, if the Macbook is just as powerful using Logic as my imac, it seems like it would be very nice to be able to take that kind of juice on the road with me. FWIW, I never play games and would probably buy a used LCD monitor to span with at home. Anyone have experience running Logic on a Macbook? How's the core duo vs. the G5? Any advice?