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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 22, 2007
I'm running a mid-2012 Air and until September when I bought a Fledgling Feather M12 SSD, I'd been on the stock 128gb hard drive. Considering it's age it ran nearly flawlessly, especially in regards to speed. The hard drive indicated it was going to fail (the computer was rebooting itself) and so I bought the M12. For several weeks everything was snappy and behaving like normal, until about a week or two ago. I've consistently had lagging and hangs while doing nearly everything, and using this thing is just unbearable. Opening files, simply browsing the web, playing video files, etc. I had never seen anything even close to this behavior prior to the M12.

Like I said, it worked fine for the first few weeks. Is there anything I can try before asking for a replacement drive? Is it possible that after being filled to a certain capacity the drive starts to cause this slowdown? Any other ideas? Thanks!


macrumors 68020
Feb 22, 2015
Corrupted files with those system crashes and reboots?
Did you do a clean install on the M12? Should be first step. Even use Internet Recovery to download and install a fresh copy.
CCC and Disk Warrior can do a deep check for corrupt files, something Disk Utility First Aid does not do.
Yes its still good to watch how much free space there is. Snapshots for TimeMachine can use some of your drive.
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