Would it be stupid to not buy this used MBP 2020 (M1 8/256gb, 13", 28cycles, great physical condition ) for $600? I recently bought a mint MBP 13" 2015 for $400 that I can still return. But I really didn't want to spend more than that, and wouldn't mind waiting to get newer model in a few years (M3 or above)
A big thing for me is that the 2020 M1 only has 8gb RAM, whereas the 2015 has 16RAM. I know it's still faster, but that low RAM can become a hindrance pretty fast. For $600, that seems very problematic.
Also, I heard the M1 screens are very fragile. One of the reasons I was so happy with the 2015 I bought is because it's screen is perfect and it only has 54 battery cycles.
Overall, I don't want to pass it up if it's a good opportunity, but the extra $200 will come at a sacrifice for for me as a student (eating only 60 cent noodles for a few weeks, etc)