Personally I can't imagine using a touch screen iMac.
My usage is leaned back in my chair with the keyboard and mouse at the edge of the desk. Reaching up and dragging my fingers around the screen seems like a hassle.
you think that the touch screen is really for people who are sitting at their workstations trying to complete tasks all day??? Look at the commercials. They show you when it would be better to use the screen.
Not everyone wants to sit one-on-device. If I was up doing things around the house and wanted to turn the volume up, switch songs, change the station... walking over to the screen and touching the controls would be nice.
Or, how about showing off pictures from the last thing I did. A few people in front of the the screen touching away, sliding through pictures, selecting, zooming... That is much cooler and user friendly than me sitting down to "take the helm," mousing around and scrolling with the mouse scroll button. We all know what it feels like when someone else leans in to take control of your mouse/keyboard. Now it's just, ooh that picture, touch...
I'm guessing you're talking about something similar to microsoft surface, with those cool looking coffee tables with a fancy multi-touch screen? Twisting pics and movies about on the 'table' as if they were bits of paper and showing them off to people sat opposite you?
Look at all the previews and hands on vids of microsoft surface. You'll find they all show off the wireless connectivity and the fun you can have by placing items onto the table itself, but none of them show advanced image editing. You don't see them playing spore, or COD etc...not a single vid shows them typing anything.
Its great idea for showing off pics and movies, but everything else? PC's, Macs and the like are made for more than what a touch screen can (efficiently) provide. I use mine for homework, browsing, photo/image editing and gaming. you could use a touchscreen for any of these, but to the same efficiency and accuracy as a mouse/keyboard? Definitely not.
I use touchscreens at work, and after 8+ hours i arrive home and thank the gods of technology for the invention of the mouseThe novelty definitely wears thin after a while
yeah, but at the same time you could have built in bluetooth for a mouse and keyboard
this would be awesome but if not a touch screen computer at least a touch keyboard that looks like the iphone but has keyboard buttons on it.![]()
this would be awesome but if not a touch screen computer at least a touch keyboard that looks like the iphone but has keyboard buttons on it.![]()