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macrumors 604
Original poster
Jul 5, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Would upgrading to 2.1 from 2.0.0 the official way brick my iPhone? Would it remain unlocked? I read on TUAW that the official way this time will not brick your iPhone, rather, you would just lose your jailbroken apps (Which I don't have any, anyway), but they said thats from 2.0.2, The problem is, I do not have 2.0.2,Could anyone verify this that have done it? Thanks very much! :apple::apple:

BTW, if it helps, it is an 8GB EDGE iPhone, with only Cydia and Installer as the two jailbroken apps on there (which I never use anyway, I use the App store)
It worked fine actually, so it worked great. So far, no app crashes either! Kept the unlock but lost the jailbreak, oh well, I don't use jb applications anyway
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