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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 7, 2006
Many are afraid that Apple have show little love for the Mac Pro lately ...

So I thought it would be interesting on how many of you and how many Mac Pro you would order if it was released soon ..

Our leasing contract for our Mac Pros are running out so we are looking on replacing them with new ones ...

so we would order 8 of them ...
As soon as a new pro level mac shows up in the store (wether is a true MP or an i7 box) I'll be in my car with a pocket full of cash. So I'm in for at least $4000. You can tack on another $2500 in a year when I'm going to have to upgrade my 08 mbp. But if they force me to move to a windows workstation it would be hard to continue throwing my money at them.
like Chris, the least expensive DP.

That is probably my order anyway, whether it is eol'ed or not. Not sure about that Hackintoshing, I just LOOOVE the case.
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Yeah, my early 2008 is getting kind of slow, relative to what it should be.

Having said that, I'm starting to wonder whether, without a refresh, Apple will try to airbrush the Mac Pro out of existence? "You must be confused, Apple doesn't make computers." And, "No, we never made any towers -- that must be some other company you remember."

I'm also starting to wonder whether going back to a PC might make sense for my audio editing...
I have been waiting about 300 days to buy one. I've been getting by on my MBP but if I knew I would be waiting this long I would have bought one last summer.
Depending of specs (sata3, thunderbolt etc), but yes I believe it's time for an update. More power is wanted!
Depending of specs (sata3, thunderbolt etc), but yes I believe it's time for an update. More power is wanted!

My odds of buying at least one new desktop in 2012 are 100%.

However, my odds that it will be a Mac Pro are only 90%.

The reason why it isn't 100% is because I was ready to buy the last MP update, but it was so utterly underwhelming IMO that I decided to wait for the 2011 update. Dang.

Fast forward to today, the list of promising technologies that we know "SHOULD" be put into the next Mac Pro is now even longer...

...So I refuse to make any firmer of a commitment until I know what the "REAL DEAL" product actually is.


If the MP has the new Xeons, Thunderbolt, SATA-3 and no particularly stupid changes, it would reasonably align with my needs, and I'd put down a $5K deposit within 24 hours of such an announcement.

No announcement = no ticket = no laundry.

I will buy one. Depending on what the specs are, I will buy in the middle to high end. I'd like at least 12 cores and ability to upgrade to 256 gb of ram. Probably will start with 128 gb.
I'd buy one.

If they stop the mac pro, I probably wouldnt by anymore mac computer stuff, just phones and ipads.
Im a 5 year guy, so not now, but in 2014 I will be ready to replace my 2009 Mac Pro.
Yeah, my Early 2008 Mac Pro (have one at home and at work) is ready to be passed on and help finance the new one at home.

At work we will probably transition to iMacs though, as I am the only one who actually needs the brute force of the Mac Pro.

Only problem with the iMacs is that front glass which will hopefully be made non-glare. It's crucial for the color-correcting we are doing for broadcast, magazines and full product brochures.

Oh yeah, please release those (non-glare) retina displays with 100% sRGB color gamut too ;)
Absolutely. I have $5000 I am waiting to drop on it right this minute. I bought my current mac pro 10/2006. It needs an update badly. It is for work so if its not released somewhat soon I will have to find another option. I might not have the luxury of waiting anymore. Its really a day to day think with this older computer. I keep my fingers crossed that it will boot (it's been having serious issues).
I wouldn't order it, as I already have a very nice 2010 model. If I suddenly came into large sums of money I might order 1.
I have a 2008, won't buy an ivy bridge maybe next year though finances permitting or maybe drop back to an iMac
Many are afraid that Apple have show little love for the Mac Pro lately ...

It has to do with Intel not Apple. No one (unless it happened in the past five days) is shipping new workstations because of the lack of Xeon chips from Intel. HP and Dell can't even bring out newer workstations.
It has to do with Intel not Apple. No one (unless it happened in the past five days) is shipping new workstations because of the lack of Xeon chips from Intel. HP and Dell can't even bring out newer workstations.

Not True. They are just now shipping and have been taking order for a few weeks in some cases. The chips are available.
Shipping is what counts ;)

There is a lot of hype about how Apple is not showing love to the MP - it is EOL - etc.

The chips have just started to ship in volume (I believe that is correct) - Apple will need to THOROUGHLY TEST for a number or things PRIOR to full production.

We will all benefit from a thoroughly tested new MP before it is released.

The MP lives - stay tuned...
One. Would have to see what the specs are before committing to a model. Most likely a DP.

The chips have just started to ship in volume (I believe that is correct) - Apple will need to THOROUGHLY TEST for a number or things PRIOR to full production.

We will all benefit from a thoroughly tested new MP before it is released.

Testing is done on production samples probably 6 months before the chip starts shipping. Companies don't wait for chips to ship to test.

That's why you see lots of production samples leak to Ebay.
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