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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 23, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Instead of buying a D70s I got a Canon Digital Rebel XTi, 18-55 Zoom lens, 2gb card, case, uv filter and cleaning kit for 800 US

I bought it in St. Thomas


macrumors 65816
Sep 27, 2006
That's great. :)

I was looking into a Rebel for my next camera. Is it nice? Great picture quality, etc?


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 23, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Here is a pic I took with it in St. Thomas



macrumors 65816
Sep 27, 2006
That's nice! I think it would look nicer with the whole flower in focus though.

I currently have a Canon point&shoot, but I'm definitely looking for a better camera. Is it hard to learn how to use a Rebel or any dSLR like that? I'm actually not sure what dSLR/SLR is, and what the difference between SLR and dSLR is. :p I need to learn a bit about advanced cameras, don't I? :p


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 23, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Before you are surprised, check into the warranty status of this camera in Canada.

Already did, I covered it all before I even considered buying it. Since the US Virgin Islands are not technically international my warranty is covered internationally between the US and Canada. I can take it to any canon service center to have it repaired.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 23, 2006
Ontario, Canada
At the risk of coming across like an a** - that photo doesn't look very sharp at all. Is that the actual Canon kit lens, or is it something third-party?

hmmm that did come across a little harsh:rolleyes: but it is the canon lens kit. maybe you should stop viewing it on that grainy MBP display :p


macrumors 6502
Sep 15, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
I currently have a Canon point&shoot, but I'm definitely looking for a better camera. Is it hard to learn how to use a Rebel or any dSLR like that? I'm actually not sure what dSLR/SLR is, and what the difference between SLR and dSLR is. :p I need to learn a bit about advanced cameras, don't I? :p

SLR: Single Lens Reflex. DSLR: Digital SLR. The difference is whether you have to buy film or not. :p

Learning to use an SLR in a fairly basic mode isn't hard. The hard part is that they give you a greater degree of flexibility than most compacts, and you actually need to start learning and understanding concepts like depth of field, aperture, shutter speed, and so forth. They also lead to a lust for more expensive gear (he says, eyeing off some $AU7400 worth of Canon lenses ... :D)


macrumors 68030
Apr 14, 2006
Clemson, SC
Instead of buying a D70s I got a Canon Digital Rebel XTi, 18-55 Zoom lens, 2gb card, case, uv filter and cleaning kit for 800 US

I bought it in St. Thomas

Excellent camera. We just got ours this weekend (camera + kit lens + 2gb card + free printer) for $800 as well.

Loving it so far, but already frustrated by the kit lens. :(


macrumors 65816
Sep 27, 2006
Thanks for the help sjl. This would be definitely be something I'll need to save up for. For a while. A loooooong while. :eek:


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
my mantra: everyone should own a $50mm f/1.8 lens ($75). It is ridiculously sharp, cheap, and lets you play with Depth of Field and low light.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
While I actually agree with you (;) ), I didn't bother asking about it because I assumed that it was a depth of field issue and, in fact, there's a part of that plant perfectly in focus (although the point isn't obvious). I figured that once he learned about depth of field and how that relates to the distance from the subject (ie: the plant), he'll realize what he has to do, so it's probably not the camera.


macrumors 6502
Sep 23, 2003
hmmm that did come across a little harsh:rolleyes: but it is the canon lens kit. maybe you should stop viewing it on that grainy MBP display :p

Well .... Im viewing it on the a very expensive color calibrated Lacie LCD ... color is good, composition is good, but he is right not very sharp at all. Sorry.


macrumors 65816
Feb 1, 2004
Thanks for the help sjl. This would be definitely be something I'll need to save up for. For a while. A loooooong while. :eek:

If you're not sure you're ready to go all the way on the DSLR you could also consider a high end compact which offers similar functionality at a MUCH lower price. Sure, its not as flexible in terms of lenses and such but you can take some pretty nice photos without the hassle of lugging around a relatively huge DSLR.

I recently bought a Canon Powershot G7 and am very pleased with it. Its a bargain compared to any of the Rebel models!


macrumors 6502
Sep 2, 2006
Well .... Im viewing it on the a very expensive color calibrated Lacie LCD ... color is good, composition is good, but he is right not very sharp at all. Sorry.

congrads on the camera... I would have to agree.... for the cannon line that does seem a bit grainy

But maybe its just the uploader u used, again congrads on the camera I hope u enjoy shooting with it


macrumors 68030
Dec 17, 2003
Los Angeles, CA
That is my mantra too.

I use it more than my Canon 28-135 IS.

It actually makes me wish I had a 5D, so the crop factor wouldn't come into play (I prefer a wider angle.) But it's definitely a great lens!

my mantra: everyone should own a $50mm f/1.8 lens ($75). It is ridiculously sharp, cheap, and lets you play with Depth of Field and low light.


macrumors member
Sep 13, 2005
Columbus, OH
Here is a pic I took with it in St. Thomas

Welcome to the Canon family! I started lusting around the Canon D30, then the D60 came out and I almost had the money then my wife got laid off and we ended up moving across the country and my money kinda disappeared. Eventually ended up with a 10D then last year I upgraded to a 5D. I've been pretty happy with Canon. I came from Canon AE2 Program film cameras and then a long stretch of nothing then a Nikon N90s before going digital.

Some tips for this type of picture:

Tripod if possible
Remote release
Mirror lockup
Lots of light so you can increase your shutter speed to reduce effects of wind
Narrower aperture to get a deeper DOF (Another reason for lots of light)

Enjoy the new camera! Have Aperture? I've been playing with Lightroom and Aperture and I keep bouncing back and forth for various reasons. I think the RAW processing on Aperture comes out cleaner for me with less artifacts from sharpening... Lightroom I'm using on my desktop PC under Windows which is dual core (vs. a Powerbook G4 for Aperture) so speed is definatly a bit faster in Lightroom... :) Waiting for updates to see about doing either a new laptop or a Mac Pro...


macrumors 68020
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
At the risk of coming across like an a** - that photo doesn't look very sharp at all. Is that the actual Canon kit lens, or is it something third-party?
hmmm that did come across a little harsh:rolleyes: but it is the canon lens kit. maybe you should stop viewing it on that grainy MBP display :p
First off, I see what he means. Also, as I think Westsideguy was trying to say, it's not your fault that the photo isn't supremely sharp. You're using a kit lens, and kit lenses, especially the canon one, are notorious for being terribly optically and from a perspective build quality. Anyways, congrats on the camera and have fun saving up for new lenses!:p

my mantra: everyone should own a $50mm f/1.8 lens ($75). It is ridiculously sharp, cheap, and lets you play with Depth of Field and low light.

Grimace, I have never heard you say that before!;)
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