I have been playing around with the release, it is very slow. Doing things like browsing and even playing WOW.
its running on a 2.93 i7 8 gigs of ram imac.
its running on a 2.93 i7 8 gigs of ram imac.
I have been playing around with the release, it is very slow. Doing things like browsing and even playing WOW.
its running on a 2.93 i7 8 gigs of ram imac.
I have been playing around with the release, it is very slow. Doing things like browsing and even playing WOW.
its running on a 2.93 i7 8 gigs of ram imac.
The reason your experience is slow is because Spotlight is indexing. I thought it was slow at first to, but it's not once the indexing is complete.
Why are people expecting an early developer preview to have wonderfully smooth scrolling? There are far more important issues with the OS than scrolling right now. That's a minor issue that will be addressed much later on.Scrolling is not as smooth as on SL and it bothers me a little. Maybe later I will try clean install.
It won't be.And who told you I expect it will be smooth? I just share experience like the others, and wonder if maybe it would be smoother if I did clean install.