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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Oct 14, 2008
So i am going to buy a smug mug account (most likely the $60 one, then upgrade to the $150 after i buy a new filter and other equipment), and was going through my photos, as i want to import them to aperture 3 and also condense them down.

I have been working on them for 3 hours! And that is JUST going through them and re-organizing. 30GB is what i cut it down by. That is what i get for waiting 5 years to do this, lol.

Anyone else procrastinate? I still have a few files left to go through...


macrumors 6502
Sep 23, 2003
I generally delete lots of photos, but I do it right after I import them into Lightroom. I am pretty rigorous in screening the shots. If the focus is off at all it gets cut, so its not just the ones where there is something significantly wrong. My current (personal) collection is roughly 120GB in size. Combined with weddings and other shoots there are about 35-40GB more in additional catalogs. There is just too much there not to screen it right from the start. Id rather spend the hours it would take to go back and do it out shooting new images.


macrumors 6502
Oct 6, 2008
Funny, I have been doing that on Smugmug for what seems like ages.

I think it's only natural that your taste/standards tend to increase over time and sometimes I look at a photo I took 6 years ago and wonder "why did I even bother uploading this?!" I have about 3000 photos on my Smugmug account and would like to half that. Then I probably have about 1GB waiting to be PP'd or uploaded.

It's a good thing I don't get paid for this.


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
Yeah, I cut out about 120GB a month ago. Duplicate shots (or close enough) and ones that were just not ever going to be used. They add up!!


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Oct 14, 2008
Yeah, i guess i kept a lot of the shots because maybe i would go back to them years later and like the shots. It is cool to see how i have progressed over the years. Some of the shots, i am like "What the Eff was i thinking?". Luckily, most of these shots are made here in Oregon, so i can go back.

There has been a few instances where i am glad i kept them, because they grew on me. I haven't opened up iPhoto ever, and just got the Aperture, so the main reason for me going through the photos is to keep it organized in those programs. Maybe i will just use Aperture and Bridge to keep them organized..
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