I've had my MBP get up to 105*C when running WoW, and the computer showed no signs of shutting down... ended up installing smcFanControl to manually set the fans higher before I launched WoW. After a few weeks of careful monitoring w/ iStat Menus, I noticed the fans turning on automatically earlier, so I stopped using sFC.
I know it's a different system, but they're both C2D based. Bottom line, these processors can handle getting HOT.
I played WoW 8 hours daily on a Black Macbook for 2 years straight, with the CPU temp averaging between 75 and 90*C and never had a problem with parts failing. Not one single repair on that computer. Sold that system to a friend, and it's still going strong. Never used a cooling pad.
Moral of the story, it's a computer... a tool. Use it as you will and don't stress. I stressed SO MUCH about temps only to realize, that it's a waste. Just play and be merry.
P.S. I should also note every one of these systems mentioned have had thick silicon keyboard covers on the keyboard at ALL TIMES. I didn't remove them because the ventilation difference was negligible.