Because I was in the area, I stopped by Lincoln Center store on Sunday night. Wasn't entirely surprised that they were sold of 3G by then, but was surprised that they were also sold of wifi. I suspect that some people when denied the 3G bought the wi-fi instead. For high income families with kids, which is a fair number of the families that live in Manhattan, lots are considering multiple iPads as reasonable.
Looks like a huge success.
Interesting the posts about lots of iPads being available in China. Are these iPads being bought in US and shipped there? Or (and I think this is possible), these are iPads that never make it to Apple and are sold directly from the manufacturer to the blackmarket. That would explain why that website that is seeing unique iPad hits is getting such a larger number than Apple says it is selling. But maybe blackmarket iPads aren't really possible considering the locked down nature of the product and the unique identification number of each iPad.