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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 16, 2008
Please don't give me a hard time. Just look at the section of code and make some suggestions.
else if( ((strcmp(&Paverages[i*pagesize + 0*rowsize + 2*element],"C") == 0) &&
 (atoi(&Paverages[i*pagesize + 3*rowsize + (cols-1)*element]) + atoi(&Paverages[i*pagesize + 4*rowsize + (cols- 1)*element]) )  > 50))
	printf ("%d\n",atoi(&Paverages[i*pagesize + 3*rowsize + (cols-1)*element]) + atoi(&Paverages[i*pagesize + 4*rowsize + (cols- 1)*element]) );
	fwrite(&Paverages[i*pagesize], sizeof(char), pagesize, fp);
	fprintf(fc, "%s, %s\n", &Paverages[i*pagesize + element], &Paverages[i*pagesize + 2*element]);
	for (m = 0; m < cols; m++)
		fprintf(fc, ",%s", &Paverages[i*pagesize + 3*rowsize + m*element]);
		fprintf(fp, "\n");
	for (m = 0; m < cols; m++)
	       fprintf(fc, ",%s", &Paverages[i*pagesize + 4*rowsize + m*element]);
		fprintf(fp, "\n");	
	for (m = 0; m < cols; m++)				
		fprintf(fc,",%d", atoi(&Paverages[i*pagesize + 3*rowsize + m*element]) + atoi(&Paverages[i*pagesize + 4*rowsize + m*element]));  				
		fprintf(fc, "\n");		

Data that should not gotten past the if statement and is not in fp is in fc.
You can see that what is being tested is also being written when the condition is true. Its written even when the condition is false into fc and not in fp.
Suggestions on where to look or what to do?
1. Post the output from the printf.

2. Post the code that declares all your variables and defined constants.

3. Add the following in the block of the if, before your first printf(), then rerun it and post the output:

char * _s = &Paverages[i*pagesize + 0*rowsize + 2*element];
printf ("%p %s\n", _s, _s );

If it's not obvious, the string expression is copy-pasted from the first parameter of the strcmp() call in your if condition.

The output of the printf is all greater that 50.
The definitions are ok. I learned my lesson.
#define pages 2000
#define rows 10
#define cols 39
#define element 12
#define pagesize (rows*cols*element)
#define rowsize (cols*element)
#define size (pages*rows*cols*element)
char *Paverages;

int i4, m, p;
int i;

Here's the output with the additional code
writing to files
0x100204938 C
0x100214928 C
0x10022c910 C
0x10023ed90 C
0x1002436b0 C
0x100247fd0 C
0x100266d68 C

	else if( ((strcmp(&Paverages[i*pagesize + 0*rowsize + 2*element],"C") == 0) &&
				 (atoi(&Paverages[i*pagesize + 3*rowsize + (cols-1)*element]) + atoi(&Paverages[i*pagesize + 4*rowsize + (cols- 1)*element]) )  > atoi(argv[2])))
		{	char * _s = &Paverages[i*pagesize + 0*rowsize + 2*element];
			printf ("%p %s\n", _s, _s );
						printf ("%d\n",atoi(&Paverages[i*pagesize + 3*rowsize + (cols-1)*element]) + atoi(&Paverages[i*pagesize + 4*rowsize + (cols- 1)*element]) );
					fwrite(&Paverages[i*pagesize], sizeof(char), pagesize, fp);
					fprintf(fc, "%s, %s\n", &Paverages[i*pagesize + element], &Paverages[i*pagesize + 2*element]);
					for (m = 0; m < cols; m++)
						fprintf(fc, ",%s", &Paverages[i*pagesize + 3*rowsize + m*element]);
					fprintf(fp, "\n");
					for (m = 0; m < cols; m++)
						fprintf(fc, ",%s", &Paverages[i*pagesize + 4*rowsize + m*element]);
					fprintf(fp, "\n");	
					for (m = 0; m < cols; m++)				
						fprintf(fc,",%d", atoi(&Paverages[i*pagesize + 3*rowsize + m*element]) + atoi(&Paverages[i*pagesize + 4*rowsize + m*element]));  //vol					
					fprintf(fc, "\n");		

I also discovered that when the second condition holds, I am putting an extra line feed in fp.
more code

Most of the writing to Paverages takes place here.

if(strcmp(&Paverages[p*pagesize + 0*rowsize + 0*element], &Paverages[(p-1)*pagesize + 0*rowsize + 0*element]) !=0) 
							pvalueb = 0;
							pvalues = 0;
							cvalueb = 0;
							cvalues = 0;
						if (strcmp(arr[6],"P") == 0) 
							pvalueb += atoi(arr[19]);
							sprintf(&Paverages[p*pagesize + 1*rowsize + m*element],"%d", pvalueb); //contracts to buy  put
							pvalues += atoi(arr[23]);
							sprintf(&Paverages[p*pagesize + 2*rowsize + m*element],"%d", pvalues); 
							cvalueb += atoi(arr[19]);
							sprintf(&Paverages[p*pagesize + 3*rowsize + m*element],"%d", cvalueb); 
							cvalues += atoi(arr[23]);
							sprintf(&Paverages[p*pagesize + 4*rowsize + m*element],"%d", cvalues); 		
that's right. So how did they get there?

Some of your code somewhere is writing them.

I have no sense of what structure or content your in-memory data has. It's somewhat conceivable, at least to me, that somewhere in all of that data there's a linefeed.

that won't explain the problem with the other file.

the files I'm writing or the array I'm writing to. You have both those codes. DO you see anything. I also check a sorting routing; Nothing out of sorts there.

more later.
I don't see where anything else is added either to the files I'm writing or the array I'm writing to. You have both those codes. DO you see anything. I also check a sorting routing; Nothing out of sorts there.

I don't see anything obvious in your posted code, but frankly, the structure of the data is so non-obvious that I'm not sure I'd see a problem if there was one.

There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult.

At a minimum, maybe add some debugging features to your file-writing code. Every time you fwrite() a block, precede it with a global sequence number in a recognizable form. Inspect the file and find the the sequence numbers that bracket the part with the extra line feed. Deduce where that code is, and go look there to narrow things down.

Example of sequence numbering code (not compiled or tested).
static int sequenceNumber = 0;  // must be a global

void writeSequenceNumber( FILE *f )
  fprintf( f, "#$! seqnum: %d\n", sequenceNumber++ );

Then everywhere you have an fwrite():
fwrite(&Paverages[i*pagesize], sizeof(char), pagesize, fp);

I separated the file writing into two loops. The solved one of the problems.
The other problem was solve when I found the \n being printed to the wrong file.

The preacher said, when he forget his glassed that "mine eyes are dim".
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