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What’s your favorite Apple event each year?

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Mr. Awesome

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 24, 2016
Idaho, USA
Thought I’d ask this question that I’ve been thinking about for a while. Which is your favorite Apple event each year? The September iPhone event or WWDC keynote?

I personally enjoy WWDC more because it brings new features for all product lines, and it’s always exciting to see new things at WWDC instead of seeing a phone which has already been leaked 10 times.
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macrumors G5
Jun 21, 2013
Thought I’d ask this question that I’ve been thinking about for a while. Which is your favorite Apple event each year? The September iPhone event or WWDC?

I personally enjoy WWDC more because it brings new features for all product lines, and it’s always exciting to see new things at WWDC instead of seeing a phone which has already been leaked 10 times.

WWDC, by far, for me. I don’t get new iPads every year and not every new phone feature is one I care about. With the smorgasbord of iOS features intro’d at WWDC, there’s bound to be something to like in there.


macrumors 68040
Apr 21, 2010
WWDC, by far, for me. I don’t get new iPads every year and not every new phone feature is one I care about. With the smorgasbord of iOS features intro’d at WWDC, there’s bound to be something to like in there.

Yeah, I guess I should've qualified my statement with the fact that I get the new phone every year, so it's like Christmas in September for me.


macrumors 6502
Jan 19, 2020
WWDC gets more into the details of how stuff works, while the fall events talk about some gimmicky new memoji feature while touching on how the iPad gets a new chip or how the storage has been increased. Both are good though.


macrumors 603
Nov 30, 2004
Toronto, ON
This reminds me that we’re going to get at least another awesome keynote like this one. I loved the prerecorded format. It had a lot more info packed into an hour and forty five minutes than is usually shown at two hour live events packed with interruptions, applause and third party demos. It also showed off Apple Park beautifully. I can’t wait for the September iPhone reveal event in this format.
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macrumors G5
Apr 8, 2013
WWDC has always been my favourite. I usually buy the latest iphone every year but WWDC gives me more value and shows the direction of all of the products for the next year.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 11, 2011
WWDC. It's as deeply about Apple's soul and thinking as an event gets, and the announcements affect pretty much everyone using an Apple product in the near and further future. It's also a metric on the state of consumer technology on Earth – a time to learn about some of the coolest things anyone's doing. It's one of the few days of the year I regard in the way I think others regard holidays.

(The other events are exciting too, but they only directly affect me if they contain the rarer product I've been holding out or saving up for.)
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macrumors 68040
Sep 7, 2009
Anchorage, AK
WWDC - it's the one event in the PC industry that speaks to developers and customers at the same time. You can't say the same about Microsoft Build or Google I/O, because they focus on the backend developer information. Apple can save a lot of that discussion for the breakout sessions or the State of the Union keynote that occur during WWDC week.


macrumors 68030
Sep 9, 2017
Dub Dub!

I haven't ever owned the newest iPhone, iPad, Mac, or watch. So while I am interested in the new features those get, I won't get to enjoy them for a few years.

But at WWDC, the software is free once you join the Public Beta Program and will likely be compatible on my products.
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