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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 15, 2008
Just to let you know, X-Plane for iPhone v. 9.02 is in the App Store now.

More airports!
There are 3 of them now, and the little RMI at the bottom of the HUD points to the closest one.

Map! It's in the location screen now.
Drag it around... with BOTH fingers!
Pull your fingers apart and push them together! Swizzle them around! Watch what the map does!
WHY control the map this way? BECAUSE IT'S FUN!

The planes now have much nicer-looking propellers.

Lateral accelerometer calibration as well as vertical! It's in the SET menu.
Why? Because some guy emailed me a video of his iPhone sitting on a carpenter's level, with the cirrus-jet slowly banking to the right!
I had to admit a lateral accelerometer calibration was needed!

Some little scenery and frame-rate improvements! Kind of nice!

Mr. Giver '94

macrumors 68000
Jun 2, 2008
Downloaded. Thanks! They also added water features to the terrain. There are a few rivers and a few large lakes. This is definitely one of my favorite iPhone Apps. and has one of the best developers in terms of listening to customers. :)


macrumors 6502a
Jul 9, 2008
yep, been to the other airports and overflown the lakes. Like the map feature too.

Now to add some route nav-aids. Would quite like to adjust the depth of the clouds as well as base. All too often I'm just flying through a thin White line that dies nothing more than obscure the ground.


macrumors 65816
Mar 15, 2008
This is a great app, and it keeps getting better. I hope the next release makes it actually rain, like is shown on the options screen for the most cloudy weather. Maybe with some thunder and lightning too!
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