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macrumors 603
Original poster
Jul 11, 2008
I know since I've been closely following Fuji's cameras for the last couple of years, the one thing that always stuck out was the PP of RAW files. Namely, Adobe hasn't figured out the right algorithms for PP'ing of their RAW files. Has this been resolved? Are there better RAW converters for X-Trans RAW? I'm using LR and PS6.
Aperture and Iridient Developer and are the best to my eyes.

If I didn't use Aperture, I would use Iridient Developer for RAW conversion.

(I have a Fuji x100s and shoot RAW only).
I have a Fuji X100s and I use Aperture to process my RAW files. I've had zero problems. I think you are way too worried. The X-Trans sensor uses a non-Bayer pattern, so it has different characteristics (i. e. you will notice different types of artifacts when you provoke it).

PS My X100s is the best piece of camera gear I have ever owned, and I fully understand why I has received DPReview's Gear of the Year Award. I haven't used my dslr in months (a D7000 with a few very nice lenses and two flashes) even though there is nothing wrong with it. Once it dies, I'll replace it with an X-mount camera, hopefully an X-Pro 3 :D
I've been reading about color smearing and having to change my workflow due to their sensor. I'm looking to pick up the X-Pro 2, 14mm, 23mm, and 56mm, as well as an X100S next year (I'm assuming February) and selling my Nikon gear.

While I love my D800, it's just to big and heavy to take it with me every where. I love the setup so much as for it's IQ, AF, high ISO performance, making this transition is a big decision for me. I just don't want to run into a problem because I Fuji hasn't worked out PP with 3rd parties.

I would have to switch to Aperture for basic PP, then extract a TIFF to Lightroom for cataloging and additional PP (I have lots of presets and LR has lens corrections and tons of features Aperture has yet to add). So I'm figuring out a new workflow for next year as well.

Oreo, do you have a site where I can look at your X100S photos?
I have the x100s as a second camera havnt noticed any problems in LR or PS

Good to know. I may just get the X100S and keep the D800. Don't think I could be without a full frame camera, but I'm convinced it doesn't matter. I was so eager to go "full-frame" I basically saved all I could for the D800 and finally got it. But it's impractical to take everywhere as it draws attention. When I'm out street shooting early morning or late evening or doing portraits, it's not a problem since it's not so crowded.

Decisions, decisions.
I've been reading about color smearing and having to change my workflow due to their sensor. I'm looking to pick up the X-Pro 2, 14mm, 23mm, and 56mm, as well as an X100S next year (I'm assuming February) and selling my Nikon gear.

While I love my D800, it's just to big and heavy to take it with me every where. I love the setup so much as for it's IQ, AF, high ISO performance, making this transition is a big decision for me. I just don't want to run into a problem because I Fuji hasn't worked out PP with 3rd parties.

I would have to switch to Aperture for basic PP, then extract a TIFF to Lightroom for cataloging and additional PP (I have lots of presets and LR has lens corrections and tons of features Aperture has yet to add). So I'm figuring out a new workflow for next year as well.

Oreo, do you have a site where I can look at your X100S photos?

We have both x100 and XE-1 and they are both superb cameras. We too have moved from canon to Fuji. We used 500px to look at photos from both cameras prior to purchases plus reviews on YouTube which are excellent.

We have photos from both cameras on 500px (name in tag below). Also MacRy posts photos from her Fuji in the monthly photos.
Also MacRy posts photos from her Fuji in the monthly photos.

His Fuji.....his ;)

I shoot exclusively on an X100 and have no issues with Lightroom 5 processing the files. I admit that I also shoot exclusively in JPEG since getting it, as the Fuji files are so good, but the few times I have shot RAW I haven't had any issues.
Fuji's "X" sensors are not typical and as such require different algorithms to take full advantage of the RAW (RAF) files.

Top contenders (partial subjective and from on line tests done by others)
Silky Pix Pro
Capture One full or the "express"
Photo Ninja
and a couple of others

Next set -
Adobe Bridge (appears not quite the same as Lightroom)

Of the top contenders, only the Capture One full offering goes beyond just RAW correction by including very basic photo management. Photo Ninja also comes with some bells and whistles.

If people are shooting under fairly normal conditions and "expose" properly, they will get very good results with Aperture and Lightroom as well as DXO.

None of the above are in any particular order. What also should be mentioned is that the Fuji X series produces in camera extremely impressive jpeg files. Many Fuji X users have found that the jpegs meet most of their needs and do RAW when there is going to be more involved with post processing.

Given there are some excellent software out there to handle Fuji X RAW files, the offerings by Fuji remain an excellent choice for those other than needing to shoot high action photos.

Fuji X-E1/ 35 1.4, 18-55, 55-200
Lightroom 4, Capture One Pro 7, CS6 Photoshop w/OnOne suite
Oreo, do you have a site where I can look at your X100S photos?
Unfortunately I'm swamped at work, so I can only give you a small taste.

The light in the first one looks relatively bright, but AutoISO (which works, trust me) switched to ISO 1,000 (at 1/60 s and f/3.2).

The second one is already in a very dark room (ISO 2,500, 1/60 s, f/2):

The last one is in the pitch dark (ISO 3,200, 1/10 s, f/2):

Other than adjusting exposure a bit to get the look right and fix the white balance in the last one (the light is a bit difficult), I did no additional post processing), they're all straight out of Aperture.
While I love my D800, it's just to big and heavy to take it with me every where. I love the setup so much as for it's IQ, AF, high ISO performance, making this transition is a big decision for me. I just don't want to run into a problem because I Fuji hasn't worked out PP with 3rd parties.

I was in the same boat as you until very recently. I've had the X-E1 since January but couldn't bring myself to part with the 5DII. I'd saved up for ages for the Canon and was very impressed with the quality, then found I wasn't taking photos any more because it was so flipping heavy. I've had great fun this year with the Fuji but I'm quite happy with the high quality of the jpegs and don't normally do RAW any more. Finally, last week, I decided to sell the Canon. If you're in the UK I can recommend you a company that gives a fair price for gear. Just let me know if/when you're interested.

His Fuji.....his ;)

I shoot exclusively on an X100 and have no issues with Lightroom 5 processing the files. I admit that I also shoot exclusively in JPEG since getting it, as the Fuji files are so good, but the few times I have shot RAW I haven't had any issues.

Don't forget, though, that the X100 doesn't have an X-Trans sensor, just a very high quality Bayer sensor.
I was in the same boat as you until very recently. I've had the X-E1 since January but couldn't bring myself to part with the 5DII. I'd saved up for ages for the Canon and was very impressed with the quality, then found I wasn't taking photos any more because it was so flipping heavy. I've had great fun this year with the Fuji but I'm quite happy with the high quality of the jpegs and don't normally do RAW any more. Finally, last week, I decided to sell the Canon. If you're in the UK I can recommend you a company that gives a fair price for gear. Just let me know if/when you're interested.

Don't forget, though, that the X100 doesn't have an X-Trans sensor, just a very high quality Bayer sensor.

It's scary to make the jump. :eek: I figure if I go all in, I'm going all in. I don't do it as a business like weddings or what not, but I want to. I'm hoping the Fuji will let me do portrait sessions like engagements, couples, seniors; I don't care to do weddings, unless I'm a 2nd shooter doing the reception or the before ceremony shots. I really want something small and light, and Fuji is stellar in that area.
It's scary to make the jump. :eek: I figure if I go all in, I'm going all in. I don't do it as a business like weddings or what not, but I want to. I'm hoping the Fuji will let me do portrait sessions like engagements, couples, seniors; I don't care to do weddings, unless I'm a 2nd shooter doing the reception or the before ceremony shots. I really want something small and light, and Fuji is stellar in that area.
For me the other big thing is the rangefinder-like handling, which I now prefer to a dslr. There are dedicated dials to the most-used operations and AutoISO for the first time in my life just works. (In part, this is due to the fact that the X100s has a single focal length, and thus, AutoISO is conceptually easier to understand and implement.) My D7000 still has a better AF, but it's way bigger.

Unlike the X100 which was slow at times, the X100s is fast enough to not slow me down.
It's scary to make the jump. :eek: I figure if I go all in, I'm going all in. I don't do it as a business like weddings or what not, but I want to. I'm hoping the Fuji will let me do portrait sessions like engagements, couples, seniors; I don't care to do weddings, unless I'm a 2nd shooter doing the reception or the before ceremony shots. I really want something small and light, and Fuji is stellar in that area.

Agreed! Can you get one of the Fuji's as a backup while you make up your mind? It'll let you get used to it then you can decide gradually whether to make a complete switch. It's different from using a DSLR. I didn't find it a problem but it is a bit of a learning curve and it took me a while before getting photos I was happy with. Now I wouldn't go back!

MPB Photographic.

Contacted them Wednesday, got quote Thursday, camera was picked up Friday.

Had an email the following Tuesday to say camera had been received and checked. Money was paid into my account on the Friday.
MPB Photographic.

Contacted them Wednesday, got quote Thursday, camera was picked up Friday.

Had an email the following Tuesday to say camera had been received and checked. Money was paid into my account on the Friday.

Sounds efficient. Thanks.
I went all in today. Should be here tomorrow. :eek:

Does LR 4.4 support the X-E2 (I know 5.3RC does) RAW? Or will I be forced to upgrade?
I went all in today. Should be here tomorrow. :eek:

Does LR 4.4 support the X-E2 (I know 5.3RC does) RAW? Or will I be forced to upgrade?

Enjoy the X-E2! Have you sold the D800 or trying them side by side for a while? Reports are favourable so far from the early users, though I'll miss out on this round. I believe the sensor is the same as in the X100S. Don't be disappointed if at first you don't get pictures as good as in your D800; there's a bit of a learning curve, but keep taking photos—it's all fun when you don't have to carry a heavy weight!
I went all in today. Should be here tomorrow. :eek:

Does LR 4.4 support the X-E2 (I know 5.3RC does) RAW? Or will I be forced to upgrade?
Even if it doesn't yet, Fuji's cameras with X-Trans sensor all use almost identical sensors (AFAIK there are only two variants, the newer one has AF phase detection-capable pixels in the center while the other one doesn't). Congrats, I'm sure you won't regret it.
Enjoy the X-E2! Have you sold the D800 or trying them side by side for a while? Reports are favourable so far from the early users, though I'll miss out on this round. I believe the sensor is the same as in the X100S. Don't be disappointed if at first you don't get pictures as good as in your D800; there's a bit of a learning curve, but keep taking photos—it's all fun when you don't have to carry a heavy weight!

I start vacation (stay-cation) after I leave work today, so I'm going to try it out for a week and see how it goes as I'll be in the return period :eek:. I hit the road to visit the parents for Thanksgiving so I'll be using it then as well doing family shots. May hit up downtown in the early morning while everyone is losing their minds shopping. I also have plans to hit the zoo and a couple of parks with my kids to test out how it perfects with an 18 month old running around.

I'm not expecting D800 level continuous AF, but I certainly expect it to keep up. Afterall, my RX100 does well with continuous AF, so something 2x expensive should do well.

Just my luck, it's raining cats and dogs today :mad:. I wanted to take the X100S for a spin after leaving work as the setting sun light is just perfect. There's a little "parking lot carnival" at a mall nearby that was going to test out how it performed in street photos (evening light, continuous AF, dynamic range) shooting RAF+JPEG. I'm hoping the rain does its business by 5pm - the wet streets would add a perfect look too. :cool:

Again, I'm not expecting to get D800 performance, but good performance for what I shoot (street, portraits, still-life, car shows/cosplay events, and just general family photos). I don't think those things require the weight of the D800, nor the hassle.


Even if it doesn't yet, Fuji's cameras with X-Trans sensor all use almost identical sensors (AFAIK there are only two variants, the newer one has AF phase detection-capable pixels in the center while the other one doesn't). Congrats, I'm sure you won't regret it.

Are you saying that LR 4.4 should read the X-E2 RAF files? I know the X100S is supported. To me the X-E2 and the X100S are the same cameras, in a different body.
Are you saying that LR 4.4 should read the X-E2 RAF files? I know the X100S is supported. To me the X-E2 and the X100S are the same cameras, in a different body.
I don't know whether LR 4.4 is supported (my DAM software of choice is Aperture), but I'm just speculating that it may work if your version of Lightroom supports the X100s because to my knowledge they share the same sensor.
I thought I was going to have to, reluctantly, switch to Aperture for my X-Trans RAW judging from the various cites ill speaking of LR's processing of RAF files.

So far, I'm liking what I'm seeing in LR. I've also checkout some more pro photogs websites that use Fuji X cameras and they use LR and get great results. No need to switch, thankfully.

Besides, Apple STILL hasn't updated their RAW for X-E2 anyways, while LR has it built in an RC.
So far, I'm liking what I'm seeing in LR. I've also checkout some more pro photogs websites that use Fuji X cameras and they use LR and get great results. No need to switch, thankfully.
In some sense, the problems they mention with the non-Bayer layout are real, but usually you only see these artefacts if you're looking for them (just like with Moirés and other artefacts which nobody freaks out about).
Besides, Apple STILL hasn't updated their RAW for X-E2 anyways, while LR has it built in an RC.
Out of curiosity: practically, where is the difference between a release candidate and a final release? Are they treated like betas (don't use them in your profession workflow, wink, wink) or are they just v1.0 of some new feature?
In some sense, the problems they mention with the non-Bayer layout are real, but usually you only see these artefacts if you're looking for them (just like with Moirés and other artefacts which nobody freaks out about).

Out of curiosity: practically, where is the difference between a release candidate and a final release? Are they treated like betas (don't use them in your profession workflow, wink, wink) or are they just v1.0 of some new feature?

RC and final release are awfully close in my opinion. They are usually speed fixes are rare bug fixes as well as adding support for new camera and lenses. I've yet to have a problem with an Adobe RC release so that's why I use them, pending it something I need or fixes a problem I have.
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