Yes all fine and installed. I just gave you some examples of programs that do not work in the Xquatz...they all say that X11 is not working. The one I really need to run is Nedit.
Did you compile nedit yourself? The MacOSX executable from sourceforge appears to be written for PowerPC, as it gives me the error:
bash: /usr/local/bin/nedit: Bad CPU type in executable
I'm guessing you either compiled it yourself or downloaded from another site. Perhaps you might need to get the source and recompile?
Do your DISPLAY and PATH environment variables look o.k. in the terminal?
Something like this...
$ echo $DISPLAY
$ echo $PATH
If you have access to a linux or other machine running an ssh server, can you start an ssh session with X11 forwarding and start the applications on those machines and view them on the Mac?
This might determine if this is a display or execution environment issue.
In the case of Lyx did you get your Lyx dmg from and follow the information here:
E.g. follow the instruction about Gatekeeper on Mountain Lion and the part about needing a TeX installation.
Or did you compile a pure X windows Lyx from source?
I'm guessing the later. Did you use Homebrew or Macports, or some other method?
Back to Nedit... can you post the specific error messages?