CPU-Z but you need Windows installed.
MacCPUID runs on OSX; it's written by Intel. Get it here: http://softwarecommunity.intel.com/articles/eng/1107.htm
But it looks to me that everyone would rather have them ship with the E???
E5472 has the same performance as the X5472 but it runs cooler and consumes less power.
Is that, "in theory", or has someone shown that the new mac pros with the X consume more power and are hotter?
Forgive me, I am just hoping it doesn't make that much of a real world difference.
You don't think there is a little performance bump, regardless how small, of a 120 watt vs 80 watt? I'm just thinking about light bulbs, as my 100 watt ones are almost blinding whereas the lower wattage ones are dimmer.
You don't think there is a little performance bump, regardless how small, of a 120 watt vs 80 watt?
Damn, thats a bummer. Is there any logical reason they would use an X chip to begin with? Or is it just cause we are all crazy mac nuts that we actually care about it to begin with?
The 'X' stands for extreme. They were released first. Then, as processing improved came the 'E' and the next 'X' series was given a performance boost to puff up the price to where the eXtreme CPU's are priced at
The 'X' stands for extreme. They were released first. Then, as processing improved came the 'E' and the next 'X' series was given a performance boost to puff up the price to where the eXtreme CPU's are priced at