This seems to be an issue with a lot of people, and I've spent weeks trying to remedy it. XBMC forums, googling, speaking with techs, you name it.
· ATV2 "opened" using Seas0nPass running iOS 4.2 (4.1.1)
· XBMC (Some reason it states 10.0-0, other settings 10.0-7 as I installed the nightly build recently)
· Pioneer Elite VSX-33 7.1 - Digital Core DSP Engine, THX certified, 192K/24-Bot DACs, DDP, Dolby Pro Logic Plus and llz, DTS-HD, WMA9 Pro, PQLS Jitter Reduction via HDMI, DSD to PCM Converter, etc.
I've ripped full DVD backups on my Mac Pro using Fairmount or MTR 4.0, then Handbrake for m4v conversion. When possible I choose AC3 6-channel discrete or AC3 5.1-channel with the highest Bitrate (roughly 640 kbps) for layer one, then AAC for layer two 2-channel devices. Once done, I can stream the m4v perfectly to my aTV2 system via iTunes from my Mac Pro. Full sound, amazing quality.
I have my Pioneer AVR for internet radio and my aTV2 attached via ethernet to a second "Time Capsule" that is connected to my main "Time Capsule". My aTV2 accesses my m4v's perfectly on the "Time Capsules" HDD and acts as sort of a NAS device ("Time Capsule" HDD configured for sharing, configured SMB in XBMC to access the HDD). Sound in the main aTV2 menu works, however in XBMC I have no sound in clicking through menus, and all the same exact m4v's copied to the "Time Capsule" HDD only output 2-channel stereo (selecting ACL audio/THX/etc simply transmits the stereo signal through 5 channels).
I have spent weeks researching the prominent issue, tried optical audio instead of HDMI, configured both the AVR and aTV2 to ensure everything is in sync. Still decodes to 2-channel stereo.
This seems to be an issue with XBMC as some have pointed out possible bit streaming issues. Using ethernet from aTV2 to "Time Capsule" HDD" should not pose an issue. If anyone has any expert knowledge I seemed to have missed I would greatly appreciate any any any help. Heck, I'll PAY you lol.
· ATV2 "opened" using Seas0nPass running iOS 4.2 (4.1.1)
· XBMC (Some reason it states 10.0-0, other settings 10.0-7 as I installed the nightly build recently)
· Pioneer Elite VSX-33 7.1 - Digital Core DSP Engine, THX certified, 192K/24-Bot DACs, DDP, Dolby Pro Logic Plus and llz, DTS-HD, WMA9 Pro, PQLS Jitter Reduction via HDMI, DSD to PCM Converter, etc.
I've ripped full DVD backups on my Mac Pro using Fairmount or MTR 4.0, then Handbrake for m4v conversion. When possible I choose AC3 6-channel discrete or AC3 5.1-channel with the highest Bitrate (roughly 640 kbps) for layer one, then AAC for layer two 2-channel devices. Once done, I can stream the m4v perfectly to my aTV2 system via iTunes from my Mac Pro. Full sound, amazing quality.
I have my Pioneer AVR for internet radio and my aTV2 attached via ethernet to a second "Time Capsule" that is connected to my main "Time Capsule". My aTV2 accesses my m4v's perfectly on the "Time Capsules" HDD and acts as sort of a NAS device ("Time Capsule" HDD configured for sharing, configured SMB in XBMC to access the HDD). Sound in the main aTV2 menu works, however in XBMC I have no sound in clicking through menus, and all the same exact m4v's copied to the "Time Capsule" HDD only output 2-channel stereo (selecting ACL audio/THX/etc simply transmits the stereo signal through 5 channels).
I have spent weeks researching the prominent issue, tried optical audio instead of HDMI, configured both the AVR and aTV2 to ensure everything is in sync. Still decodes to 2-channel stereo.
This seems to be an issue with XBMC as some have pointed out possible bit streaming issues. Using ethernet from aTV2 to "Time Capsule" HDD" should not pose an issue. If anyone has any expert knowledge I seemed to have missed I would greatly appreciate any any any help. Heck, I'll PAY you lol.