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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 18, 2012

is there any way that I can use Xcode to build and compile java application?

and I mean that it becomes as native, smooth and beautiful as using Xcode with Objective-C or C++. with no need to go through long and bumpy ways using Terminal and anything else besides Xcode only...

please help as much as you can, ANY help is truly appreciated!

and what makes it so weird to me is that apple acknowledges the ability of Xcode to build java applications

and yet i find no one on the internet to say how it can natively work without any outside help (e.g. Terminal)

thank you so much in advance...

(and please don't tell me that there are other java IDEs for OS X :D, I know but i just love the Xcode Editor too much. it's beautiful and attractive and best of all... smart)
The docs the O.P. linked to are from almost 4 years ago and reference other docs discussing Mac OS 10.5. I'm guessing those Java docs aren't terribly relevant anymore for Mavericks.
I didn't learn Java until after this, but historically Xcode had a compiler that took Java code and compiled it into a native OS X app. It was useful for Apple because it allowed developers that were new to OS X to easily create native apps for OS X, at a time when there weren't many developers familiar with Obj-C and there weren't many native apps for OS X.

Apple ditched it when iOS development became popular, and as a side result, many developers learned Obj-C. So Apple no longer needed a second language that could build native apps. They burned their Java -> Native bridge (why maintain the means for more than one process?) and that was that.

That's my understanding anyways.

Anyways, why the obsession with Xcode? If you want a Java IDE, your best choice is JetBrain's IntelliJ IDEA (the Community Edition is free and includes everything someone working on their own could possibly want). You're going to find that it has many features that you wish Xcode had, and that there are very few features that it lacks.
Hi there,

I know you definitely *used* to be able to make Java apps in Xcode. I have a feeling that it's no longer supported though. There may be a way of fudging it, but if so I don't know how.

Assuming I'm right, you're probably looking at old documentation.


I think my above comment may be wrong. Have you read this?

oh yes i have read it. it's one of those roads that i call long and bumpy :)...

The docs the O.P. linked to are from almost 4 years ago and reference other docs discussing Mac OS 10.5. I'm guessing those Java docs aren't terribly relevant anymore for Mavericks.

mostly you're right...

I didn't learn Java until after this, but historically Xcode had a compiler that took Java code and compiled it into a native OS X app. It was useful for Apple because it allowed developers that were new to OS X to easily create native apps for OS X, at a time when there weren't many developers familiar with Obj-C and there weren't many native apps for OS X.

Apple ditched it when iOS development became popular, and as a side result, many developers learned Obj-C. So Apple no longer needed a second language that could build native apps. They burned their Java -> Native bridge (why maintain the means for more than one process?) and that was that.

That's my understanding anyways.

Anyways, why the obsession with Xcode? If you want a Java IDE, your best choice is JetBrain's IntelliJ IDEA (the Community Edition is free and includes everything someone working on their own could possibly want). You're going to find that it has many features that you wish Xcode had, and that there are very few features that it lacks.

logical and makes sense...

as I said before... i love the Xcode Editor...

but I'll look into "IntelliJ IDEA"...

thank you guys so much...

and if you have anything to add, feel free to do so :D...
IntelliJ IDEA actually looks pretty good. Thanks for sharing the link. It's almost enough to make me want to learn Java... almost. ;-)

The company makes IDEs for most popular languages, including Obj-C, C++, C, and C#. And JS. And Python. And Ruby. Whatever you use, they probably support it unless it's a Lisp (although they do support Clojure).
The company makes IDEs for most popular languages, including Obj-C, C++, C, and C#. And JS. And Python. And Ruby. Whatever you use, they probably support it unless it's a Lisp (although they do support Clojure).

And above all, JetBrains makes fantastic tools. I used to like Xcode, too, but I can't stand going back after I've used Idea, PyCharm, WebStorm, PHPStorm and my work just recently got ReSharper. At some point, I'll just need to buy AppCode and be done with it.
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