is there any way that I can use Xcode to build and compile java application?
and I mean that it becomes as native, smooth and beautiful as using Xcode with Objective-C or C++. with no need to go through long and bumpy ways using Terminal and anything else besides Xcode only...
please help as much as you can, ANY help is truly appreciated!
and what makes it so weird to me is that apple acknowledges the ability of Xcode to build java applications https://developer.apple.com/library...Tools.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40001884-SW1
and yet i find no one on the internet to say how it can natively work without any outside help (e.g. Terminal)
thank you so much in advance...
(and please don't tell me that there are other java IDEs for OS X
, I know but i just love the Xcode Editor too much. it's beautiful and attractive and best of all... smart)
is there any way that I can use Xcode to build and compile java application?
and I mean that it becomes as native, smooth and beautiful as using Xcode with Objective-C or C++. with no need to go through long and bumpy ways using Terminal and anything else besides Xcode only...
please help as much as you can, ANY help is truly appreciated!
and what makes it so weird to me is that apple acknowledges the ability of Xcode to build java applications https://developer.apple.com/library...Tools.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40001884-SW1
and yet i find no one on the internet to say how it can natively work without any outside help (e.g. Terminal)
thank you so much in advance...
(and please don't tell me that there are other java IDEs for OS X