I'm new to XCode (v4.6.2) and I've been following the Stanford CS106 courses on iTunesU. I'm just starting CS106B and discovered that it's not really compatible with the newer version of XCode.
Now I don't mind messing around a bit to get things working and I found a "Blank Project" xcodeproj which has the Stanford libraries included and I can get some things working. But... if I copy the "Blank Project" folder, I can rename the copy of the project in XCode but if I try to replace the "main.cpp" file with another file such as some starter code supplied as part of the course, then building the project fails with an error that seems to say the linker can't find "_main" - even though there is definitely a "main" method in the new ".cpp" file I've added.
I'm assuming there is some setting in the project somewhere that defines the location of "main", but I've looked everywhere and can't find such a setting. I even wondered if the location of "main" was hard-coded to be "main.cpp" but I've got another project from the Stanford course website that only includes a file called "Warmup.cpp" in which "main" is defined and this works fine. But even comparing the settings I can find no difference. Any suggestions would be welcome...
Now I don't mind messing around a bit to get things working and I found a "Blank Project" xcodeproj which has the Stanford libraries included and I can get some things working. But... if I copy the "Blank Project" folder, I can rename the copy of the project in XCode but if I try to replace the "main.cpp" file with another file such as some starter code supplied as part of the course, then building the project fails with an error that seems to say the linker can't find "_main" - even though there is definitely a "main" method in the new ".cpp" file I've added.
I'm assuming there is some setting in the project somewhere that defines the location of "main", but I've looked everywhere and can't find such a setting. I even wondered if the location of "main" was hard-coded to be "main.cpp" but I've got another project from the Stanford course website that only includes a file called "Warmup.cpp" in which "main" is defined and this works fine. But even comparing the settings I can find no difference. Any suggestions would be welcome...