I am in Hong Kong, I bet I have most of the up to date info for this coronavirus (especially I can read both English and Chinese info).
Our understanding so far, this virus should not able to stay "alive" for more than 4 days. Or course, according to statistic, it's possible to have virus can still active after 9 days, but the possibility should be very low.
Also, the factory should be dust free, with positive pressure, everyone have to wear mask. The chance of having active virus on the display should be extremely low.
IMO, what you really have to care about is just the box. And you can simply wipe the box with alcohol (75% or above). With this simple precaution, I think you are safe enough.
I don't think that you need to handle that with gloves because of the virus. Of course, you can still wear gloves anyway just to avoid accidentally leave finger print on the monitor.
If you worry about your hand may touch the virus (on the box) even after you clean it with alcohol, all you need to do is just avoid touch you eyes etc when you hand is "contaminated". After you take the display out, throw the box into the garage, and clean your hands. Then you will be fine.
This virus is danger, but not that ridiculous. If you do all the above still get infected in US, our Hong Konger should be all dead by this time. Basically all we need to do is just wear mask in public area, and clean our hands regularly.
IMO, the US gov is doing very well to control this disease. If they believe that FedEx package is safe, then most likely it is very safe already. Of course, you should still do your part to protect yourself. But no need to be worry too much.