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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 11, 2013
Last week Xfinity notified the neighborhood that they were upgrading the network in the neighborhood (there was contractors working on the boxes on the poles). Since completion, my modem (Arris Surfboard SB6141) keeps rebooting at random intervals. Then both the Airport Extreme and Arris Surfboard go offline and try to reboot, and get stuck in perpetual reboot loops. The only way to get the internet restored is to unplug the modem and the Airport Extreme, and bring them back up one at a time (modem first, then AE). Today, the modem went about an hour before rebooting. On Sunday, it went probably 8 hours.

What things should I be doing, or looking at, to troubleshoot this?
NOTE: The Airport Extreme is connecting to the Internet using DHCP, and is also set to Router Mode = DHCP and NAT

Appreciate your suggestions!


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 11, 2013
On the Xfinity forums, I see others are having similar issues (even though they are in other states). Curiously, it's after Xfinity does maintenance/"upgrades." Will have to keep digging on this. At least I'm not alone.


Feb 19, 2008
The Finger Lakes Region
If they are doing what my old ISP in Army did! They went pole to pole with long haul fiber on poles! When in my neighborhood they sent out emails telling of scheduled possible outages! It was up/down for about two weeks then they updated. All of our speeds! So wait two or maybe three weeks of work in your neighborhood but they will offer higher speeds in end!


macrumors 604
May 30, 2018
I just purchased a Surfboard modern only and what a pain in the app!
are these things worth the efforts?
also are they plug and play?
my provider is Xfinitee and my attempt failed just now.
I will try with internet insect instead of from scratch.

Apologizes if this is off topic and pardons for posting here, but this is the only thread here
thanks in advance!
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