No driving direction can be computed using your query.
This belongs in the hacks section. *Yawn*
It's not a hack, it's future hehe.
Oh. Cydia is pending approval for the AppStore?
Hmm... did you ever.. ? I mean.... did you ? Didn't you liked it... ? Wasn't this... great ? Fantastic ? "This is great (...)", quoting S. Jobs.
PS. Talking about JB by the way.
PS 2. "Cydia is pending approval for the AppStore" = Community demands changes in Apple Terms & Conditions for adding apps to AppStore ;p
PS 3. There were some rumors lately, that turn-by-turn isn't possible... well, in AppStore it's not.
i used it locally and it does work pretty well. i could not really get the directions to work properly, but the speedo is pretty accurate. its about +- 3 mph.