At first I was really worried about the overheat, but since I have plans to use the VLP RAM sticks instead of the original ones and as they are 40% less in heght, so there would be less airflow obstruction inside,I personally don't think it is gonna overheat. And I am also using only two ADMs leaving the slot in the middle empty also contributes to a better airflow. And since
Noctua's fans are only performing at 1/4 of
stock grid performance in terms of cfm, I see no issues, as it corresponds to the stock "1500" rpm, with "5000" rpm max. Especially considering the fact that "5000" rpms reported by the SMC are 15000 real rpm according to the fan's datasheet. So you gain a huge benefit in terms of noise 15 db vs 67 db with the same air pressure performance like which is the key indicator that matters there, because we have still the same heatsink on the CPUs and what is important is how powerful istthe air propulsion (air pressure) and not the amount of air measured in cfm. And if you add liquid metal "sauce" to that "sandwich" it will draw the whole heat generated by two 130W CPUs and a 50W GPU away really easily. But that's still a theory and I can't check it out till I haven't get the two CPUs mobo. By the way I will try to get the fan array done within this week, so keep looking in the thread.