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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 18, 2010
Hi All,

First of all sorry if this is in the wrong section, I couldn't find an xsrv specific section.

We have a Late 2006 xsrv which has always run fine. A while ago, it froze up and we rebooted, all still works fine however the Hard Drive no longer shows on the desktop, nor does it show up in the Finder or in Disk Utility. The server is running Raid 5 and when I look in Raid Utility everything shows as "Good", including the Volume, the Raid Set and the three drives.

The strange thing is that everything is functioning fine on the server other than the above. The problem however is that the drive is not showing so backups cannot identify the source to run.

Has anyone ever come across this before or have any ideas? We have rebooted without any luck.

Thanks for any suggestions!
Thanks, I'll remake the post there. Missed that forum, figured it would be under Hardware..
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