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macrumors 604
Original poster
Jun 27, 2006
Seattle, WA
I'm going to be getting either a Canon Digital Rebel XT or an XTi within 2 days. And price matters, I can afford to get the XT, although with the XTi I'd have to make a deal with my parents and sell several things to get it. I'm going to be using the camera for a while, several years most likely and all the way through college if I can (5 years). With the XT I could afford it without having to sell anything else and if I did sell the other things, then I could put that money into better lenses.

So, what do you think that I should go for? I don't really care about the more auto focus points of the XTi because I actually like to manual focus it. They both feel nice in my hands, I know that I wouldn't notice a difference in megapixels. I do like the bigger LCD of the XTi and the dust prevention system, although I don't know if that is really worth the extra $150 + the tax difference.

What would you suggest?


macrumors 65816
Oct 12, 2006
Pasadena, CA
I have had an XT for about 3 years now. While the extra Megapixles would be nice, it hasn't been enough to make me want to upgrade to it. It has other nice things like a bigger screen (the XT's screen seems so tiny now) and other things, but the XT is still a good camera. At 8 Megapixles I've printed a 20x30 and it looks pretty decent.

I'm starting to realize more and more that the lens is just as important as the camera. I would almost suggest getting the XT just so you have more money to spend on lenses, but even so, $150 won't get you much. So maybe you'll still have to sell some stuff either way :rolleyes:


macrumors 68020
Nov 14, 2003
Washington, DC
On a tight budget, I'd probably go for the XT. I got the XTi mainly because I liked the idea of the dust prevention (no problems so far that I've noticed), liked the bigger LCD (and I like the settings displayed on the LCD--although I'm probably one of the few), and dpreview said the menu system was improved. 2 extra megapixels is really unimportant. I also thought the feel was a tiny bit better.

Since buying the camera though, I've spent more and more money on the _system_. I've bought three lenses, a tripod, extra CF cards, a battery grip, a flash... all those things are far more helpful than the small differences between the cameras. If getting the XT over the XTi is the difference between getting a tripod or not, for example, I'd get the XT.


macrumors 68020
Apr 5, 2004
Huntsville, AL
Go with the cheaper body, put your extra cash into glass.

As for my $0.02, I prefer the "status" LCD on the XT to the larger overall LCD on the XTi. That, alone, is enough for me to want to bypass the XTi when I upgrade and get a 20D or a 30D instead.

Lord Blackadder

macrumors P6
May 7, 2004
Sod off
I've been thinking this same problem over myself and I've decided that it's better for me to get the XT and put the money saved into accessories, which I need to buy anyway. I've handled both and I'd rather have the XTi but the XT is more than good enough for my needs.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 5, 2003
Costa Rica
I was making that same decision three weeks ago. In the end, I went with the XT with an additional lens and accessories. For the price of the XTi (~$740), I got the XT, a bag, an additional lens (Canon f/1.8 50mm), and the hoods for both lenses.
I spent this week with a cousin in NY, that has a XTi-based setup (with Canon 70(75?)-300IS and 28-135IS lenses), and, to tell you the truth, I haven't seen any significant difference between both cameras (other than the status LCD display on the XT, which I prefer over the single LCD on the XTi).
Having said that, the bigger LCD on the XTi is wonderful for reviewing pictures - it is quite a difference to go from 1.8" to 2.5". But (at least to my eye) there is no significant difference in the picture quality between both cameras, when using the same lens.
So, my advice is to go with the XT, and spend the difference in additional lenses (or, as in my case, SAVING for additional lenses).


macrumors 604
Original poster
Jun 27, 2006
Seattle, WA
I think I've pretty much settled on going with the XT, if all goes well I should be out to get it tomorrow :). Thanks for everyone's help! As soon as I get my next months paycheck I'll be getting the Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II lens since its pretty cheap and its said to be a great lens.


macrumors 68020
Apr 5, 2004
Huntsville, AL
I think I've pretty much settled on going with the XT, if all goes well I should be out to get it tomorrow :). Thanks for everyone's help! As soon as I get my next months paycheck I'll be getting the Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II lens since its pretty cheap and its said to be a great lens.
PM me when you get the cash in-hand and I might make a deal with you on mine. I'm looking to upgrade to the 50/1.4 anyway.

Lord Blackadder

macrumors P6
May 7, 2004
Sod off
I was thinking about getting the XT with the kit lens and the Canon 50mm f/1.8 II (it's only $80). That, plus a CF card, still costs less than an XTi with just the kit lens!

But I also want a super wide angle prime lens, like a 20mm, that is near the low end in the price spectrum like the other two lenses. I may just have to soldier on with the kit lens for a while though, since I haven't seen any 20mm primes under $400 or so.

I use a Canon 20mm prime on an EOS 10D at work and I've found I use it more for my archaeology work than the 28-105 zoom or the 50mm we have.


macrumors 604
Original poster
Jun 27, 2006
Seattle, WA
I struck a deal with my parents (don't worry I'm still paying for all of it.) and got the XTi :). My dad and I went down to office depot and had them pricematch Costco (for $800 instead of the $900 Office depot was charging) and then my dad used his teacher card to get an additional $100 off. The final price was $742 for the XTi and kit lens! I'm going down to Frys tomorrow to get a 2GB CF card for $25. Thanks for everyone's help!


macrumors 68000
Dec 1, 2005
You asked for advice and went against every single suggestion? Why waste our time or yours? Or your money?


macrumors 604
Original poster
Jun 27, 2006
Seattle, WA
You asked for advice and went against every single suggestion? Why waste our time or yours? Or your money?

Haven't you gone against what was suggested before? My dad got me a fantastic deal I couldn't pass up, it made the XTi less than $60 more expensive than the cheapest he could get the XT for.


macrumors regular
Jul 21, 2005
New England USA
I think it is great! Why pass up a good deal if you can get the better camera!!!

I just got the XTi too and I think you will be happy with it!!

mac's my homie

macrumors newbie
Sep 14, 2006
South Carolina
You asked for advice and went against every single suggestion? Why waste our time or yours? Or your money?

the OP did NOT go against every single suggestion. If everyone said, "the xti SUCKS, go with the xt!" Then the op would be an idiot for buying the xti. But everyone said they were BOTH good cameras. And a couple gave good reasons for having a xti.

I paid $699 + tax for my xt's. The OP would have been an idiot for NOT buying the xti for that price.

I think the OP made a great decision!

Don't be so hard on people.


macrumors 68000
Oct 26, 2003
Cardiff, Wales
I don't know what seenew is on about. He made a good choice. The comparison was to do with price. When that factor was removed, it would have been a natural choice.

I just went through the same decision process and ended up buying the XT. This is my first camera so couldn't spend the extra 200 euros (300 dollars) they wanted here!

I absolutely love it and photos will be up soon!


macrumors 6502a
Jan 14, 2004
I don't know what seenew is on about. He made a good choice. The comparison was to do with price. When that factor was removed, it would have been a natural choice.

Yeah, only thing I woulda done differently is bought online. Coulda got the XT with kit lens for ~$550 vs ~$650 for the XTi.
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