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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 15, 2006
I placed an order for a Black Macbook with 120 GB HD and 512MB. Also I ordered 2GB of ram from OWC, I read a bunch of positive things about them when I was searching here. I'm really excited but then the only draw back is that it will not ship to the 13th and the estimated arrival is the 20th... Oh well it gives me time to sort through and back up my mess of files that I want to transfer to my macbook.
im jealous. im waiting a week or 2 to see if merom pops up, so ill have mine in a month to a month and a half. waiting sucks :(
Grats, i hope you like it. Spend lots of time playing around with it when it first comes, make sure you have plenty of time to see everything. Its very easy and it should not take long. If you have any questions post them here but more often then not you will figer things out on your self.
Awesome...the black macbook is so sweet looking.

My two favorite notebooks are yours..and the 12in PB (mine)!
As a recent switcher, let me give you a couple of tips that will help you along.

1. Spotlight is your friend, learn about it

2. Ditto, double ditto with Expose'.

3. Try clicking the yellow minimize button while holding the shift key, (hours of amusement :D )
Hehe thanks, I've been reading up on all the guides under the mac os x. So hopefully I will be a little better off.
ah...don't worry about switching :D takes about a week or so to get used to it and then once you get into it, you're hooked :p. Runs so much better, and quicker, and I used a friends, black macbook with just 1gb of ram, its fast!
dsnort said:
3. Try clicking the yellow minimize button while holding the shift key, (hours of amusement :D )

That is awesome! never knew it.

Someone needs to start a thread with cool little tricks like this...maybe I will:D

Anyone know any other cool tricks?
dsnort said:
3. Try clicking the yellow minimize button while holding the shift key, (hours of amusement :D )
I'll have to try that next time I'm in the computer lab on campus.

Just out of curiousity, about how much faster is the Macbook than my current desktop. It's a Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz, 512MB RAM, and a Geforce 4 ti4200, kinda old I know lol.
Try holding the Shift key when using Expose or Dashboard.

You've just made a new enemy Elixer, I want a BlackBook soooo bad, considering I was left in the dark, Mac-less not too long ago and am now faced with the horrible-ness of Dell-using and Windoze expee... one of these days... POW! right in the kisser.. I mean... I too will have a BlackBook.
thats quite an awesome sertup you'll be having there, i wish i had 2 GB of ram :rolleyes: maybe when my wallet has rebounded a bit.
what does the shift button + yellow button do? congrats on the new black Macbook, friend! those guides sure are helpful, I've bookmarked a ton!
katielb said:
what does the shift button + yellow button do? congrats on the new black Macbook, friend! those guides sure are helpful, I've bookmarked a ton!

Holding down Shift slows down any eye-candy.

Play a video in Quicktime, hold down Shift and minimise the window. The window distorts down slowly into the dock and you can watch the video playing the whole time.
Elixer said:
I'll have to try that next time I'm in the computer lab on campus.

Just out of curiousity, about how much faster is the Macbook than my current desktop. It's a Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz, 512MB RAM, and a Geforce 4 ti4200, kinda old I know lol.
Like a kajillion times faster.

Not even kidding, man.

It's amazing.
NextTuesday said:
Try holding the Shift key when using Expose or Dashboard.

You've just made a new enemy Elixer, I want a BlackBook soooo bad, considering I was left in the dark, Mac-less not too long ago and am now faced with the horrible-ness of Dell-using and Windoze expee... one of these days... POW! right in the kisser.. I mean... I too will have a BlackBook.
Uh oh, I've now gained unwanted attention. Lol at "pow! right in the kisser".
nitynate said:
Like a kajillion times faster.

Not even kidding, man.

It's amazing.
Haha, thats good news then.

dukebound85 said:
control + option + apple button + 8

Inverts your screen to a negative which is pretty cool
That sounds pretty sweet.
Markleshark said:
lol @ ctrl, option, apple key and 8... we deffo need a little tricks thread...

Wow, that is cool. I second that ^^
for the most part if you hold down <shift> and do any normal window related thing (maxamize, F11, F9) then it will slowmo it.

But yeah I second a tricks thread.
i actually found out the shift thing on my own (accidentally) it's really incredible
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