OK, I have spent the last 2 days working solid trying to get this to work on the UK Three (3) carrier on a iPhone that was locked to o2. Follow these steps, each one is pretty important:
1. Restore your iPhone with itunes to 2.2 firmware (if you havent already)
2. Jailbreak with QuickPwn (if you havent already)
3. Open installer and add the source Dev Team provided and download yellowsn0w 0.9.4 (if you havent already)
4. Download BigBoss Prefs (if you havent already)
5. Download Mobile Terminal (if you havent already)
6. Go into Settings -> Phone -> show My Caller ID Turn this ON
** Although it maybe greyed out and say OFF, you can still turn it ON**
7. Go into BigBoss Prefs and click Reboot
8. Once phone is on, go into Terminal
9. OK, now the timing of this next part in important.
There are 4 lines that need to be entered. You need to type;
- yellowsn0w r
- yellowsn0w c
- These two commands need to be entered between 2-4 seconds within each other. They way you do that is type in one of the commands (yellowsn0w r) on the terminal screen (but dont press enter) then if you click the top right corner (hit the battery symbol) another terminal will appear, type the second command (yellowsn0w c) but dont press enter. Now, hit the battery twice more and youll be back at the first terminal screen. Press enter, quickly press move to the second screen and press enter again. As long as open: Resource Busy does not appear, move to the next step, otherwise repeat the above, make sure you quick enough entering the commands.
10. Next do the same as the above but enter these two commands:
- yellowsn0w r
- yellowsn0w l
- Again, make sure they are entered within 2-4 seconds of each other. And AGAIN, you will know if this worked by waiting 20 seconds after youve entered yellowsn0w l and open: Resource Busy does not appear. (You should also see Searching... where your signal should be..,
11. OK, nearly done, press home button to get out of terminal, go into Settings and turn on Aeroplane mode...turn it off...itll probably say Searching... again, if after another 20 seconds its still saying it, turn it on and off again and NOW it should find your network. **Youll know if its working after this step as the Carrier bar will appear under WiFi.
NOTES Ive done this 3 times now to my own phone, seems to require it after each reboot. And dont worry, it never worked the first time I tried it on each of the 3 occasions. I had WiFi on, Edge on, doesnt seem to matter, it all seems to be about the terminal commands and having your Caller ID Showing...
OW, and BIG PROPS goes out to deli_gt who advised me through these hard times