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macrumors member
Original poster
May 16, 2006
Ok, so here is yet another Macbook vs Macbook Pro thread.

I have a 1.83 MBP that I paid $1500 for. I know all of the specs and stuff, but can't help but be drawn to the black macbook. I have loaded UT2004, it plays like a dream, and I love that. But the reality is that I only like playing this stuff for about 30 mins....then I am back to good old Starcraft and Civ III.

I love the greater portability of the macbook, as well as the more rugged design. I will be starting grad scool in the summer in education, and will be teaching in a high school...somehow the macbook just seems more practical, any thoughts?

The thing is, that financially, it would prove a wash. Does this make it dumb to do?

I would really appreciate some perspective on this!


Yeah, you are right. But it is just not right I tell you...a pro machine user lusting after an Apple consumer machine.

The Mac world just seems to topsy turvey these days, I think that I liked it better when the iBooks were crap. :)
celebrian23 said:
I think you just have some good ol' lust. You'd lose a lot of money even if you managed to sell it. I wouldn't take the bait.

* 2 ... the money you lose on the MBP is not worth it in the end.
Keep the MBP and get an invisable shield to protect the MBP
Well, I am not sure that I would lose money.

I got a great deal and only paid $1500 for this machine. I could probably get that back if I were to sell
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