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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 3, 2007
So, I got my D80 around 2 months ago and have been lovng every minute of it. I figured I'd take a whirl and see what you guys think. Anything at all, really.

Quick equipment notes: Chances are if it's at 50, it's with the 50mm f1.8, if it's wider it's with the 18-70 AFS, and longer it's likely the 70-300mm VRII. All the exif metadata's there, too.

On with the show.











All these are straight jpegs from the camera, no pp at all. Not messing with RAW until I get my MBP (here's to a good update tomorrow!)

So, please, do a budding photobug a favor and share your thoughts. And be honest, I can take it. =]


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
One or two nice shots here... One or two good ideas... but my advice to you would be to spend more time finding your own 'voice'... your own interests... your own 'visual vocabulary... 'cos no-one else can help you with that.

The first time I showed my photos to a 'proper' photographer, he said they were "snapshots'. I was a bit taken aback (I thought I was quite good...). He was right, of course, and I decided to work a lot harder at my photography, taking more effort to get exactly what I wanted. Many years later, I'm still learning... Have fun...


macrumors regular
May 12, 2005
Manchester, UK
I love the low light / night shoots, they look stunning, for straight JPEGs your pictures are good in the most part. I think you have an extremely creative eye for photography.

I would encourage you to get shooting in RAW as soon as possible. If you shoot a low of photographs or have a big achieve like myself you might be disappointed if you plan on using Aperture (I know I was) but Adobe's Lightroom is brilliant. You don't say what Photo editing software you plan to use but Lightroom is fantastic in my opinion.

Well done, how are you finding the 50mm f/1.8? I thinking of getting one of those in the next 12 months for my D80


macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 3, 2007
Well done, how are you finding the 50mm f/1.8? I thinking of getting one of those in the next 12 months for my D80

Thanks for the words, guys. Means a lot.

And, I love it. It's the first lens I got, so for a while I was really forced into moving about and framing my shots. It was a very fun way of working. More fun, many times, I think. Plus the speed of it lends itself to some interesting lighting and DoF situations, which I enjoy.

It's probably my most fun lens. I tend to use the other 2 more so as to "get the shot", but I always seem to look through the lens that much differently when the 1.8's on. Sharp as a tack, too. For the price I'd say it's a must have just to fool around with, on top of it's real uses.


macrumors member
Feb 10, 2006
Nice shots, you could reframe the road/trees one? The foreground looks a bit distracting. Just my 2¢. :)


macrumors regular
Jun 1, 2006
These are really nice... #1, 4, 8 are my favourites!

I'm even newer to photography than you, so seriously...don't listen to me.. :)

but... i think #2 needs to be straightened up and rotated a tiny bit CW... i find it a tad distracting with the slight slant.

i agree with Echoes1024 on #7...i like how the path tends to lead your eyes into the picture and to the left behind the stone wall....but i think the grass in the foreground detracts from this and causes some confusion as to what I should be looking at......maybe cropping it where the path starts...and also framing it to include the tops of the trees...

Love the dof on #8 and how the lighting picks up the grain in the bench.


macrumors 65816
Aug 30, 2006
They are some really nice photos! I'm currently thinking about getting a DSLR but a cheapish one because I am only 13 :p But that doesn't mean I wont use it or I will break it.. I love photography!
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