I followed the guide at http://cre.ations.net/blog/post/how-to-tether-your-iphone-3g-and-browse-the-web-using-your-3g-co, but I'm having problems with the "
Step 6: Open Safari on the iPhone and open a web page
Any page will do. I recommend cre.ations.net:
This step is important. The page will take a while to load. When Safari realizes it can't get to the Internet using the ad-hoc Wifi, it will do some internal magic to switch back to 3G for Internet while still on your ad-hoc network. That lets the proxy do its thing.
When I load a page, the dialog that says "Safari can't open this page because it is not connected to the Internet" pops up, and it goes no farther than that. When I close the dialog and click refresh, the dialog pops back up.
Help please
Step 6: Open Safari on the iPhone and open a web page
Any page will do. I recommend cre.ations.net:
This step is important. The page will take a while to load. When Safari realizes it can't get to the Internet using the ad-hoc Wifi, it will do some internal magic to switch back to 3G for Internet while still on your ad-hoc network. That lets the proxy do its thing.
When I load a page, the dialog that says "Safari can't open this page because it is not connected to the Internet" pops up, and it goes no farther than that. When I close the dialog and click refresh, the dialog pops back up.
Help please