I didn't like iOS 7 new look at all when it was announced. Then after trying the beta, I liked it even less. However, even though I didn't like Yosemite new look, I liked it a little better than iOS 7.
However, after seeing several screenshots, I am actually liking it a lot, and it looks cleaner and more elegant. (somehow, I still don't like iOS7/8 at all.
The only thing I just don't like at all, and it's something that made me not like it in iOS, is that they are being lazy when it comes to the design. They are just "transforming" everything into 2D, and they are not even being consistent about it.
What I mean is for example. When you want to select the time for an alarm clock in iOS 7, you still have a "wheel" and it still look like 3D. So they are trying to go for a 2D, plane look, but they are not doing it everywhere, and so it looks bad and inconsistent. In this example, the scrolling should look up and down, and not like a wheel.
Another thing about the inconsistency about 3D and 2D is the icons. While they have been doing a redesign for several icons in iOS that look 100% plane and go with the new style, like iWork, for Yosemite, they are just removing the 3D in the icons, and so it looks horrible (in most of the icons), and some of them, still have 3D traces like the Mail icon and the trash icon.
What they SHOULD do, is do a complete overhaul of the icons to make it consistent with the look they want to achieve. For me that is just being lazy, to just remove the 3D affect an call it the day.
Other things I don't like is the inconsistency (again) about the transparency. It's like they don't know where to put it, and they put it just for the sake of it, and not because they really have a reason to. There are some applications that have it, and others that don't, even though there should be (according to the ones that have it).
All in all, the OS looks nice, and it seems to be going back to pre-Leopard style. There are really good things about the new look, but sadly, there are a lot of things that don't match.
I don't know what's going on at Apple, but lately, they like to released things half-done. Ever since they released the disaster that was Maps, they just said "screw it" and kept releasing applications that are incomplete. The most recent one was iWork 5.
If releasing an OS yearly, will be the cause of having it in "beta" state every time, I wish they would still take several years to release an OS. I know it's free, and that's a good counter argument, but it's just not Apple-like. i became a fan of Apple, and I have loved them ever since i purchased my first MacBook Pro when Leopard released. I loved their perfectionism, now they like to settle for less.
However, after seeing several screenshots, I am actually liking it a lot, and it looks cleaner and more elegant. (somehow, I still don't like iOS7/8 at all.
The only thing I just don't like at all, and it's something that made me not like it in iOS, is that they are being lazy when it comes to the design. They are just "transforming" everything into 2D, and they are not even being consistent about it.
What I mean is for example. When you want to select the time for an alarm clock in iOS 7, you still have a "wheel" and it still look like 3D. So they are trying to go for a 2D, plane look, but they are not doing it everywhere, and so it looks bad and inconsistent. In this example, the scrolling should look up and down, and not like a wheel.
Another thing about the inconsistency about 3D and 2D is the icons. While they have been doing a redesign for several icons in iOS that look 100% plane and go with the new style, like iWork, for Yosemite, they are just removing the 3D in the icons, and so it looks horrible (in most of the icons), and some of them, still have 3D traces like the Mail icon and the trash icon.
What they SHOULD do, is do a complete overhaul of the icons to make it consistent with the look they want to achieve. For me that is just being lazy, to just remove the 3D affect an call it the day.
Other things I don't like is the inconsistency (again) about the transparency. It's like they don't know where to put it, and they put it just for the sake of it, and not because they really have a reason to. There are some applications that have it, and others that don't, even though there should be (according to the ones that have it).
All in all, the OS looks nice, and it seems to be going back to pre-Leopard style. There are really good things about the new look, but sadly, there are a lot of things that don't match.
I don't know what's going on at Apple, but lately, they like to released things half-done. Ever since they released the disaster that was Maps, they just said "screw it" and kept releasing applications that are incomplete. The most recent one was iWork 5.
If releasing an OS yearly, will be the cause of having it in "beta" state every time, I wish they would still take several years to release an OS. I know it's free, and that's a good counter argument, but it's just not Apple-like. i became a fan of Apple, and I have loved them ever since i purchased my first MacBook Pro when Leopard released. I loved their perfectionism, now they like to settle for less.