I have a late 2013 13" MBP and it just seemed a bit choppy with 10.9 however after installing Yosemite over Mavericks, performance and battery have greatly increased.
Definitely going to disagree on "smoother". There's plenty of stutters and lag when transparency is enabled on my 2013 MacBook Air.
For example Mission Control is super choppy, especially with an external display attached.
I also have a pro late 2013 13'' and animations for mission control, app exposé, scrolling in finder and stock folders in grid mode are all sluggish, all of these were smooth on Mavericks. I guess there is still some work to do with UI too.
Not only that, I have always had the Wifi problem with Mavericks on my MBA 2013.
The Wifi never came on after sleep, or used to go off after some time if the machine was on.
Now the Wifi is rock solid and connects every time after sleep.
I am happy with the public beta.
On my 2007 iMac, it is extra jerky and choppy. I guess Yosemite takes advantage of the multi-core processors and higher-end graphics of the newer computers.
It looks like on newer computers, Yosemite is smooth as silk.
For me, it's just the opposite.
nah. the guy told mission control was choppy on MBA 2013. it's smooth on my MBA 2012, but choppy on 2007 iMac. it's just buggy.