I upgraded to 10.10 a couple of days ago and have noticed that I always seem to see swap being used in Activity Monitor. Memory Pressure is always green, but I'm seeing Swap being used like ten minutes after a cold boot with only 1 app (Safari) open. All other readings, i.e., Wired Memory, App Memory, File Cache, Compressed Memory, Virtual Memory, etc. don't stand out as being any different than they were under 10.9. Even thought the Swap has always read less than 50 Mb, I find it kind of odd as with 10.9 Swap stayed consistently at zero after weeks and months of uptime. I'm using a 15" rMBP with 8 Gb of RAM. Performance (aside from the occasionally janky animation hiccups) seems fine in all other respects. I'm not using RAM intensive apps, just a text editor, mail, and a browser most of the time. Anyone know why this may be happening? Is 8 Gb not enough anymore?